Last Update: 8 April 2024
I'm so thankful to be able to do this update! We almost lost the site last week through a mix-up over paying for the account. It was suspended, and we were shocked and dismayed.
We didn't know if it had been destroyed. It's the middle of the night right now, (I usually work on it at night) but in the morning we'll get the payment straightened out.
It costs $142 every 2 years to keep the site going because it is so massive. The site was created on a free website,
but as it got bigger we had to move it to a paid account. We have used 617.5M of the 1000.0M available for the site, so there's still plenty of room.
I've worked on this site for 23 YEARS, so the prospect of losing it was upsetting.
We won't have our 23rd annibersary until June, but I was working on it for months before we were open for business.
So anyway, I'm glad to be back. I'm going to do the Characters of the Day now and see what updates to the galleries I can make.
Also, I reread the guestbook. There are very few entries because it got wiped out years ago and I had to remake it. It warms my heart to see how much people enjoy their time here.
As you can imagine, I'm an old woman now. I was 40 when we began and I had my 63rd birthday last month. But I still love Gundam Wing, and other anime. Last fall, we watched the series again on blu-ray. We
saved watching Endless Waltz until December, because it takes place on Christmas. We consider it a Christmas movie, and watch it every December.
Tegan will be 37 in June, so she's heading toward 40, like I was when the site began. She was at the end of 7th grade, and had just turned 14. She has started a Good Food for Growing Chibis page on Facebook.
14 March 2023
First of all, thank you for all the well-wishes in the guestbook. I'm doing much better now.
Duo: 'Cept she broke her leg!
Yes, I had what my family is calling my Mary Poppins Moment. In December I was on my way to get my hair colored for Christmas--
Duo: To make ALLA the gray hairs we gave her be red like the resta her hair is.
Yes, Duo. Anyway, it was a very blustery day with winds gusting up to 18-mph. I was standing at the top of our back stairs with my cane in one hand and a large umbrella in the other--
Duo: An' 'long came this GREAT BIG GUSTA WIND an' it ripped the umbrella right outta her hand an' broke it an' blew it to the neighbor's house!
Duo, who is telling this story?
Duo: *thinks carefully*
That's right. Anyway, when the umbrella was ripped out of my hand I fell down the stairs and broke my leg.
Duo: An' that was the end a gettin' her hair color done 'cause she hadta go to the hopsbital enstead. She still hasn't an' the gray hairs are SO LONG now! It's very funny!
To you it may be funny. To me it's embarrassing to be seen in public.
Duo: An' when she goed to the doctors she hadta ride in the sled!
Relena: A big blue round one that Tegan made a long rope outta pare-a-cord for it with ALL the colors of the rainbow in it!
Duo: She looked soo funny when our webdaddy John had to take her out to the car in the sled 'cause she couldn't walk on her broke leg yet. We all laughed and laughed!
Yes you did. But it really was funny. Now I can walk to the car with my cane.
Quatre: She hadta stay in bed for ten whole weeks 'cause she couldn't use crutches or she woulda falled over.
Yes, I did. I have Multiple Sclerosis so my balance is bad which is why the crutches were out of the question.
Relena: Now she gots a special project for the site of Gundam Wing in Cross-Stitch! Alla us got our pictures done!
I've made many pictures from Gundam Wing at Facebook's Cross-Stitch World and I am going to put up a new gallery to showcase the ones which turned out best.
Treize: As the Senior Representative of the Chibi Board of Directors, I must say I hope everyone who visits is downloading the Kids font, which is under the bouncing Wing Gundam on the left side of the page above these updates. Then you will see the site as it is meant to be seen. So please take the time to download it if you haven't already done so.
Thank you, Treize. I've been spending a lot of time writing lately, but not fanfics. I'm writing three Christian novels right now.
Special shoutout: Yes, Pillsbury, I do remember you. So glad you've come back. You didn't leave an email address or I would have answered you that way. I lost your scans when our computer crashed so I don't have them anymore. If you'd like to send them again, that would be great.
17 January 2021
There will be no Characters of the Day rating for December. I had a severe heart attack, an operation, and was hospitalized twice, so December was very busy for me.
18 November 2018
I know it looks like I've been lazy or neglectful by not updating for months, but I do have valid reasons. My computer broke and had to be replaced. Then we had a fire inspection, followed by deciding to look for a house to buy, buying the house and now we're mostly moved in. It's been a rough year, but we're thankful for the chain of events which led to buying our first house.
One problem with the move is that I lost the statistics for the characters of the month for October.
Happy Thanksgiving from all of us to all of you.
27 February 2018
Someone accessed my 15th Annibersary essay, but I don't remember posting it. Odd. I'd like to know how that happened. It is unfinished.
8 February 2018
I've been working hard on the Gallery Gardening project since October. I've finished 36 galleries so far. Lady Une's and Noin's were finished recently. I'm working on the Chibis 2 Gallery now. I spent HOURS tonight on one picture, in Paint, painting the faces pixel by pixel and erasing the noise in the background. I'm happy with the way it turned out. I use this picture for our splash page in February. Here it is.
So I am doing much more than it seems. Many, many pictures have been improved or replaced altogether. The finished galleries are marked in blue *GGMC*. (Gallery Gardening Mission Complete) The galleries marked in red are from the old gardening project and for my own reference. They are being redone.
In other news, my husband and I will have our 38th Anniversary on the 9th. Our son Jeremiah had his 37th birthday yesterday.
Now that I have GW and Endless Waltz on Blu-ray I will be redoing the Endless Waltz galleries but I want to finish with the gardening first. I plan to do some screenshots from the Odds & Evens disc as well.
14 December 2017
Merry Christmas! Our gift to you is John's Wild Rice and Mushroom Soup recipe. Because wild rice is a product of the Midwestern United States it may not be readily available everywhere, as it is here. Wild rice can easily be ordered on the Internet. We highly suggest using the uncooked wild rice rather than canned because it makes such a difference in the flavor. This is a perfect winter comfort food.
Wufei: *arms folded* Somethin's weird here.
Heero: Ya got that right.
Quatre: What's he talkin' 'bout?
Duo: Didn't ya notice that Melody's made the Update TWO DAYS IN A ROW?
Trowa: That's def'netly weird.
Quatre: *panics* What are we gonna do?
Relena: I'll go get my doctor's kit. Melody's gotta be sick!
13 December 2017
Chibis: *singing* Alls we want for Christmas is Gundam Wing, on blu-ray, from RightStuf!
Milliardo: We're announcing that Gundam Wing is on blu-ray.
Quatre: We're so excited! It's the best thing we can think of for Cwissmiss.
Wufei: Here it is, in all its glory: Gundam Wing Ultra Edition Blu-Ray
Relena: There's extras, extras, extras with it! Posters, art cards, a huge hardback book too! An' pins!
Heero: It's also been released in two basic boxed sets, plus Endless Waltz.
Duo: So here's the links:
GW Blu-Ray Collection 1
GW Blu-Ray Collection 2
Endless Waltz Blu-Ray
Milliardo: They're also on DVDs:
GW DVD Collection 1
GW DVD Collection 2
Endless Waltz DVD
Treize: We are truly impressed with RightStuf. High-quality products with incomparable customer service is a win-win for anime fans, in the highly esteemed opinion of the Chibi Board of Directors.
Trowa: RightStuf is the company with the most careful packing of anime series for shipment that we've ever seen too.
Duo: There's no company higher than them for that!
Treize: You mean, they are the best company we've found that takes care when shipping their products.
Duo: That's what I just said. There's no sloppy wrappin' it in bubble wrap an' hopin' it makes it to the person buyin' it without gettin' wrecked, like we got from Best Buy.
Treize: True. That is the conclusion of the Chibi Board of Directors' Gundam Wing on blu-ray announcement.
Relena: But I'm not done yet! I got a nuther song. *singing* Alls I want for Christmas is a diamond ring, from Heero, my True Love! *looks around at empty room* Hey, guys! Wait up! Heero gots to know what I want for Christmas!
11 October 2017
Relena: Where's Melody?
Trowa: She's in her bedroom, hidin'.
Quatre: What for?
Treize: Melody is deeply embarrassed. She wants the Chibi Board of Directors to present the Update without her supervision.
Milliardo: So we must do this Update alone.
Wufei: She started doin' the Gall'ry Gardening Project 'gain. It's been a long time since she stopped doin' it.
Heero: She weeded out the bad pitchers in the Group Gall'ries.
Treize: To her utter dismay, there were so many images which ranged from poor in quality to absolutely unacceptable.
Duo: So she's imbarrassed that they was still on the site!
Trowa: She thought she got ridda them bad ones a LONG TIME AGO.
Treize: When the Gallery Gardening Project was in full swing the computer crashed. The backup hard drive did as well. She lost everything.
Quatre: She hadta stop gardening an' copy ALL of the pitchers an' thumbnails an' stories an' aminated gifs an' the Hopsbital an' the Jail an'--
Wufei: Yeah, ev'rything from the site had to go into her computer 'gain.
Duo: There were THOUSAN'S and THOUSAN'S of pitchers 'n stuff. It took FOREVER!
Relena: So why's she imbarrassed?
Treize: Because she has high quality standards for all of the images posted in our galleries. She didn't know these pictures remained from the original site.
Milliardo: So she's been replacing lots of them with better copies.
Treize: She was forced to discard the ones she couldn't improve or replace.
Relena: There's LOTSA ones with Heero in 'em!
Duo: We been workin' day 'n night helpin' out as much as we can.
Wufei: (folded arms) Till Tegan made us go to bed.
Trowa: No matter how much we begged an' pleaded she made us go to bed anyways.
Heero: Even when I told her Melody would finish sooner if she let us stay up to help.
Wufei: She didn't buy it.
Relena: Buy what?
Treize: (ignores Relena) In a Chibi Board of Directors Emergency Consultation we made an Executive Decision that, while she was in the process of replacing the unacceptable images, she should modify the thumbnails, altering the proportion of each one to a uniform height.
The Chibis all look to Milliardo.
Milliardo: (translates) We thought she should make new thumbnails while she was at it and make them all the same size.
Treize: Our purpose in this decision was the hope that this upgrade to the uneven graphics would enhance the overall presentation of each reformed gallery.
Milliardo: (translates automatically) The pages will look better that way.
Heero: So she did it. An' it does look better.
Wufei: An' that's all we got to say.
Duo: (pats Treize on the shoulder) I think you should go rest your brain now. Your talkin' is worse 'n usual.
1 June 2016
It's our 15 year Annibersary month!
Duo: T' start ya off with we got a blast from our past.
Trowa: Yup, today is Tegan's 29th birthday.
Wufei: So we're postin' her birthday chibi fanfic here from when she turned 18.
Heero: (calculating) That's 'leven years ago.
Quatre: Yup, one d'cade plus one year.
Relena: Here it is: Tegan Gets All Growed-Up.
Treize: We started posting screenshots from episode nine last week. There will be more this month.
Milliardo: Check back to see the goodies we've prepared for our celebration.
9 January 2016
Quatre: Here's the Updates!
Relena: The BIG 'nouncement is that we posted our nine-thousan'th pic!
Duo: If ya wanna see it just go here.
Trowa: It's a good thing Treize can count higher then us.
Treize: Naturally.
Heero: An' after a long, long time, there's some new Speeches & Quotes.
Treize: The newest gallery, Game Cards, is now open for your viewing pleasure.
Wufei: There's new videos on Tegan's YouTube Picks page too.
Milliardo: Transparent gifs have been posted, as well as new pictures.
Quatre: Don't forget my aminated gifs an' mini movies too.
Duo: An' new logos.
Relena: An' four new jigsaw puzzles!
A Chibi Appeal
When we had our computer crash diss-aster Melody lost her private files which were not on the site so if any a you got pics from Melody's private files, will ya please send her copies of 'em? She lost all her private files, includin' Gundam Wing, Fullmetal Alchemist, Sailor Moon, Saiyuki an' Black Jack pics so any pics from those series (no matter if you got 'em from Melody or not) would be very welcome! Thanks a bunch for your coop'ration!
The Chibi Board of Directors
Thanks for sendin' pics to Melody!
Thanks to Kelli for sendin' Gundam Wing pics!
Thanks to Claire for sendin' Saiyuki pics!
Thanks to Jessica M. for sendin' Gundam Wing pics!