Chibi Saga

Part Six

Chibi Trowa's

Gallery Introduction

If you haven't read Chibi Heero's Gallery Introduction click here

Duo: Hey! Did Halloween come early this year or what?

Heero and Duo double over with laughter.

Quatre: It's time for Trowa's interduction an' Melody said we can be in our new jammies since it got so late.

Duo: Bunny jammies!

Trowa: We like 'em.

Quatre: Yeah, it's fun 'tendin' to be bunnies.

Heero: You look ridic'liss.

Quatre and Trowa: We don't care.

Duo: (to Heero) At least she didn't get US new jammies!

Heero: Yeah.

Tegan enters the room.

Tegan: It's time for you two to go upstairs and get ready for bed.

Duo: (whines) But I don't WANNA go to bed! We're not tired.

Tegan: You know that it is almost time for chibis to be in bed. Melody's waiting for you.

Heero yawns. Duo shoves him.

Duo: Stop that! You'll make me yawn an' I don't wanna go to bed.

Tegan gently steers them toward the door.

Heero: (suspiciously) Hey, wait a minute. What's she waitin' for us FOR?

Tegan: She wants to make sure you get washed up before bed. You've not been very good about that lately.

Duo: Why do we need to wash? We're not dirty.

Heero: Yeah--you always make us wash when we're not dirty.

Tegan: Let me see your hands.

Both chibis hold out their grubby little hands palms up for her to see.

Tegan gives them The Look.

Duo: Well, they're not THAT dirty.

Heero: Yeah, you're always makin' us wash when we're not dirty 'nough.

Tegan folds her arms and continues giving them The LOOK.

Duo: Well, I guess we better go.

Heero: Yeah, I don't wanna be in any MORE trouble.

They slowly shuffle toward the door.

Tegan: Oh--and when you're ready for bed, come down here so we can see you in your new jammies. They're really cute.

Duo and Heero stop dead in their tracks and look at each other with horror.


Heero: And they're REALLY CUTE?

Tegan correctly suspects that Heero and Duo would probably end up anywhere but upstairs if they were left unassisted. She goes to the doorway.

Tegan: Treize! Milliardo! Will you make sure these two get upstairs to be washed up for bed? I'm helping Trowa with his introduction.

Treize and Milliardo safely guide their reluctant charges to their destination.

Tegan: You can do your introduction now Trowa.

Quatre: Yeah--have you thought of what you're gonna say?

Trowa: I'm really happy that you came to see me in my gall'ry. I can't decide which I like to be better--a gundam pilot or a clown. Bein' a gundam pilot helps people 'cause we're tryin' to stop a war, but bein' a clown makes people happy an' makes 'em forget there's a war for a little while. So I guess I like to be 'em both the same. I want you to make sure you go to the Mecha gall'ry to see my gundam, Heavyarms, okay? I get to drive a great big truck around with Heavyarms layin' on the back of it. I covered it with a REALLY BIG blanket to hide it from people. If people knew I had it they might try to take it 'way from me, so I'm very careful 'bout where I hide it.

Quatre tugs on the sleeve of Trowa's jammies.

Quatre: But you lost it for a long time an' couldn't 'member where you put it. 'Member that, Trowa?

Trowa: But I didn't have ANY mem'ry then so I COULDN'T 'member where it was. But Major Sally found it an' gave it to Heero an' I got it back after I got found. I was lost a long time, 'member?

Quatre: (sadly) Yeah, I 'member. It was all my fault that you got lost an' lost your mem'ry an' your gundam too.

Quatre starts to cry. Trowa pats his shoulder.

Trowa: It's okay, Quatre. I DID get found an' everythin' was okay after a while.

Quatre: But I still feel so bad.

Tegan walks over to them and picks Quatre up. She takes him back to her chair. He cuddles on her lap and puts his head on her shoulder.

Tegan: Don't cry, Quatre. Everything's okay now. Trowa got all better.

Quatre looks up at her with his big blue eyes, the tears drying up.

Quatre: An' he got to be a clown 'gain, didn't he?

Tegan: He sure did.

She squeezes him tightly.

Quatre puts his arms around her neck and kisses her cheek.

Quatre: Thanks, Tegan! (jumps down from her lap) I feel lots better now. You're a great hugger.

Trowa: Well, thank you everyone for comin' to see my gall'ry. I hope you like my pitchers and hope you'll also like the rest of the Archive too.

Quatre: You did really good, Trowa. No one would ever know you were nervous 'bout doin' your interduction.

Trowa: They do now.

Quatre: Oops! Sorry, Trowa.

There is a clattering down the stairs.

Heero: You go first!

Duo: No! You go first!

Heero: I'll flip ya for it.

Duo: We don't got a quarter.

Melody walks up behind both boys. They are shoving each other just out of sight of the doorway. She puts her hands on their shoulders. They look up at her and freeze.

Melody: Haven't you shown them your new jammies yet? You look so cute. (they wince) Tegan is anxious to see you in them. She helped me pick them out.

She guides the chibis inside so everyone can see their jammies. Heero looks quickly around the room.

Heero: Relena's not in here is she?

Melody: I put Relena to bed before Quatre and Trowa got into their jammies.

Heero: Great! I'd die if she saw me in these.

Quatre nudges Trowa.

Quatre: And they thought WE looked ree-dick-a-liss.

Trowa laughs in agreement.

Duo: Well, we wouldn't be wearin' 'em at all 'cept Melody stoled our towels.

Heero: (whispers to Duo) If I get up real early Relena won't see me in these.

Duo: Yeah--and then we'll think of a GOOD place to hide 'em.

Heero: I don't know where they bought these things, but I'd like to blow the place up.

Duo: 'N I'd help ya.

Relena walks into the room wearing her lamb pajamas with her teddy bear tucked under one arm. She rubs an eye with her fist.

Relena: What's ever'body makin' so much noise for? You woke me up.

Heero quickly hides behind Duo.

Relena: Oh Quatre! Trowa! Your bunny jammies are so cute! Duo yours are cute too. Do you like my lamby jammies? There's a PINK ribbon sewed on the neck. Where's Heero? Didn't he get new jammies too?

Duo: (hesitantly) H-Heero--he's-- he's-- not here.

Relena: Oh, there he is--he's right b'hind you. (she points) Right back there.

Relena rushes up to Heero.

Relena: Oh Heero! I'm so glad you're still 'wake!

Heero looks as if he wishes the floor would open up and swallow him.

Relena: You look so CUTE! Ever'body's new jammies are cute, but yours are the CUTEST. Do you like my lamby jammies? Wufei's got ducky jammies. Did you see him?

Tegan: Where is Wufei?

Melody: I thought he was here with you. Wufei! Where are you?

Wufei: I'm NOT comin' downstairs. It's gettin' real late. I'll do my interduction tomorrow.

They hear the sound of rapid feety-jammied feet scurrying down the hall as fast as they can go.

GO TO Chibi Wufei's Gallery Introduction