Chibi Saga
Part One

Chibi Heero's

Gallery Introduction

Heero: She's makin' us interduce our pitchers from the alternate time line, so here's mine. (starts to walk away)

Duo: Is that all you're gonna say?

Heero: (curtly) Yep.

Duo: (genuinely puzzled) You're not gonna tell 'bout your 'ventures an' your gundam 'n stuff?

Heero: Don't haf to.

Duo: Why not?

Heero: 'Cause my gall'ries got the most pitchers of us all--so many that she had to divide them into with AND without weaponry. I think THAT says it FOR me.

Duo: (sarcastically) Oh--aren't WE High 'n Mighty?

Heero: You're just jealous.

Duo: Am not! My gall'ries gots LOTSA pitchers too!

Heero: Not as much as mine--an' I get TWO cool gundams.

Duo: My Deathscythe's cooler than BOTH your gundams put together!

Relena: (hands on hips) Boys! Stop fighting!

Heero: YOU keep outta this! Get lost!

Duo: Yeah, you're not our babysitter!

Heero: (to Melody) Can I have my beam saber back?

Melody: Not until you're older.

Heero: Why not? You've had it FOREVER.

Melody: Last time you had it you threatened Duo with it. That's why I took it away, remember?

Heero: How 'bout tomorrow? I'll be MUCH older tomorrow. (nods emphatically)

Melody: Not until you're much, much older. Why do you want it?

Heero: (looks at the floor, hands behind his back, scuffs the toe of one shoe, mumbles) Duo's buggin' me 'gain.

Melody: I thought so.

Heero: (looks up at her with earnest big blue eyes) Don't you think that's a good 'nough reason? I do.

Melody: No--and don't you wallop him either, or you won't get dessert tonight.

Heero: What kind is it?

Melody: Your favorite--strawberry shortcake.

Heero: (thinks a moment, mutters) MIGHT be worth it...

Relena: (tugs on Melody's sleeve, looks at Heero adoringly) Isn't he CUTE when he's angry?

Heero: (snaps) Why are YOU here, anyhow? Go 'way! You're SUCH a nuisance!

Heero's outburst doesn't bother Relena one bit. She's used to it.

Relena: (sweetly) I just wanna be near YOU, hunny-bunny.

Heero: DON'T call me hunny-bunny!

Duo doubles over with laughter.

Heero: (desperately, to Melody, louder so he can be heard over Duo, points) Do we NEED THEM here? This is MY gall'ry, ya know.

Melody: You're right. Duo and Relena, go outside and play. But stay in the yard. I'll need you to introduce your own galleries soon.

Duo and Relena head for the door, Duo snickering the whole way. Relena pauses at the door and looks back at Heero, smiling lovingly. Heero's eyes narrow as he glares at them.

Duo: Hunny-bunny! (throws back his head as they go through the doorway) Ha, ha, ha!...

Relena: I don't know why you think that's so funny.

Heero: (to Melody) CAN'T I wallop him--just ONCE--and STILL get dessert?

Melody: You know my answer to that.

Heero: But you won't give me back my beam saber!

Melody: And for good reason. Do you want to say anything else to our guests about your pictures?

Heero: Yeah. Go to the Weapons Gall'ry first. I got LOTSA cool guns. Lots more guns than Duo! (confidingly) Ya know, you could just SKIP Duo's gall'ries--they're not all THAT great--

Melody: Heero...

Heero: (to Melody)Well I'm sorry, but he makes me SO MAD! (turns back to face our guests) Anyway, I hope ya like my pitchers.

Melody: That's better. Good job, Heero.

Heero: (innocent little smile) Thanks! Can I have my beam saber WITHOUT the batteries? THAT'S A Compromise. You're always tellin' us we should Compromise.

Melody: (is certain that he'd manage some way to get batteries for it if she agreed) Don't try convoluted arguments with me, young man. You know perfectly well that that rule is so that you chibis can get along together. And don't ask me for your beam saber again. You do want that strawberry shortcake, don't you? (Heero nods) I'll give you your beam saber when I think you can handle it responsibly. Okay?

Heero nods, but he's not happy about it.

Melody: Now, go get Duo. It's time for him to do his introduction.

Heero: Aw, do I HAF to?

GO TO Chibi Duo's Gallery Introduction