Chibi Fanfic!

An Unexpected Houseguest

by Dubird &Melody

Part Two: The Rules

Duo allowed himself to be led upstairs by his younger counterpart. He had been a bit concerned that Melody might not have let him stay, but he was glad he was wrong. He could've afforded a nice hotel room, but he had gotten used to staying with people. Besides, he had a feeling that there were great times to be had for the next couple of days.

"...and that down there's Treize's room an’ that’s Milliardo’s room, and Relena's room's 'cross from ours. But she can't come in wifout our premission, so you don't hafta worry 'bout her comin' in! And there’s Melody 'n John's room's an’ that's Tegan’s!"

"So where are the other chibis?"

"They're in the Nurs'ry! We was playing robots 'fore ya came by!"

At this point, they had reached the Nursery, and Chibi Duo bounded inside. "Hey, look'it who gets ta stay with us!" The other chibis looked up at this, and there was a general round of hellos.

"So why're ya stayin' here?" Chibi Quatre asked him.

"Well, it's a long story. But I figured this would be a fun place to stay for a few days!"

Chibi Duo nodded at that. "We have lotsa fun! But ya gotta follow The Rules!"

Duo dropped his pack at the door and joined the other chibis in sitting on the floor. "OK, so what's the house rules, little dude?"

"No fightin'! That's a big one," Chibi Duo said.

"An' no name callin' either," Chibi Wufei supplied. "'Specially where Melody can hear."

"An' ya can't threaten nobody neither," said Chibi Heero. "Not even Relena!"

Duo laughed. "Well, you'll just have to save up then," he said with a grin. "So what ya'll up to?"

"We got some new mod'ls at th' store an' we're puttin' 'em together!" Chibi Duo brought his over to him and showed him. "I'm almos' done with mine, but it's only a snap mod'l. Melody won't let me get a glue one anymore."

"Why's that?"

"’Cause last time I had one, I ackadently glued th' newspaper to th' floor."

Duo nodded. "That makes sense."

"What’cha gonna do with your extra parts?" Chibi Quatre asked.

"Well, I dunno where they go, so I guess I'll stick 'em in my drawer."

"Oh, you just gotta improvise!" Duo grinned. "After all, a lot of things I put together don't have instructions. You gotta be creative!"

"I gots some extra parts too," Quatre said. "Can you help us?"

"Sure!" Duo said, grinning. "Heck, half the fun of puttin' stuff together is finding out where all the pieces go. Let's see what ya got!"

Go to Part Three