by Dubird &Melody
Part Three: Two of a Kind
A few hours later, Melody came upstairs to see how things were going. John was standing in the doorway of the Nursery, looking rather perplexed. She slipped in beside him and found Duo and Chibi Duo sitting together talking in one corner of the room, and the other chibis, including Relena, were watching with wide eyes.
"' then I said I would..."
"Really? I would've too, man. It's like when you..."
"Yeah! Just like that! That's when I..."
"Well that probably wasn't..."
"I know, that's what Melody said too an' then she said..."
"Well, she's right about that. Ya gotta learn some..."
"She said that too! But s'ok 'cause I won!"
"Yeah, but didn't you get into..."
"Yeah, but s'ok too cause I earned it!"
Duo and his younger self were talking very quickly to each other, each seeming able to finish the other's sentences and continue on. Melody was a bit startled at that; she felt a small tug on her hand. She looked down into Quatre's blue eyes, which seemed much larger than normal.
"How'd Duo learn t' read minds?" he whispered urgently.
She noticed the other chibis looking at her now, wondering the same thing. She smiled down at Quatre and then waved the other chibis over to her. "They're not really reading each other's minds. Since they're the same person, they think alike. So they can usually guess what the other is going to say."
"Ohhhhh," all the chibis replied, even though they weren't sure they understood. But as long as Melody wasn't worried about it, they figured it wasn't bad. She gave them each a hug and left them to watch the two Duos’ rapid conversation.
She and John left the room quietly, although they did leave the door open. "You know, it really is uncanny," John commented. She nodded. "But at least they're keeping busy and out of trouble, as well as keeping the others occupied!"
He laughed. "That's just fine with me!"