Tegan: Welcome to Site Information. This is where we keep all of the "little things" in the Archive--the guestbook and things like that.

Chibi Duo: Yeah--but you shoulda called it Miskcellaneous Stuff. That'd a been the PERFECT name for it.

Tegan: We've already named it, Duo.

Duo: I know, but you can still CHANGE it. "Site Infermation"--that's boring! People'll fall asleep readin' that.

Chibi Heero: (pokes Duo in the ribs, says through clenched teeth) Stop it, Duo. They can call it what they want. It's THEIR site, 'member?

Duo: (stubbornly) It's OUR site too! That's why we're the Chibi Board of Directors, right? We can say stuff too.

Chibi Quatre: 'Sides, that'd mean Dubird would hafta make us a new sign for here--and she's got lotsa other stuff to do.

Duo: But she's so nice--I'm sure she don't mind doin' it.

Heero: It don't bother you any to make people hafta work more, does it?

Duo: No. Why?

Heero: 'Cause--

Chibi Wufei: Will you guys knock it off for a change? You're always fighting.

Melody: That's enough you two. No one likes to listen to you arguing all the time.

Duo: (arms crossed, scowls, mutters) We don't argue ALL the time.

Heero: Just mosta the time.

Chibi Trowa: We need to remind our guests to sign the guestbook. That way we'll know who's been here.

Duo: An' we better ask 'em to say if they're a boy or a girl if they use a screen name--even if it's one of us pilot's names. Melody has already mistaked a boy for a girl an' it was real imbarrassin'.

Quatre: Duo--don't TELL ever'body 'bout that! Now she's MORE imbarrassed.

Melody: It's okay, Quatre. We worked it out and he was really nice about it. Now, about the guestbook...

Quatre: We'd love for you to sign it! That would make us so happy! (charming smile)

Duo: Please? (great big puppy dog eyes)

Melody: Now how can you say no to that? You wouldn't want to disappoint the chibis, now, would you? (shake your head "no" here) I thought not. So please sign, and, most importantly, have fun visiting the Archive!

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