by Melody
Do not read this story without having read "Be Careful About What You Wish For, Quatre-sama"
Part I: The Breaking Point
Melody cringed. She had heard that sound far too often lately. She looked out of the kitchen window and saw Duo running through the back yard at top speed. When he got to the tool shed he leapt inside; Melody knew he would stay there until he thought it was "safe" to come out. At this rate, his allowance would be paying for the replacements of the broken window on the side of the garage until he started high school!
Melody wearily sat down on a kitchen chair, elbows on the table and her head in her hands. Much as she loved him, she was sure that Duo was responsible for most of her gray hairs...
Rashid knocked on the back door before entering the house.
"I see that you already know about the window," he observed in his deep, booming voice; his voice always sounded that way, although he rarely spoke louder than anyone else.
"This is the third time he has broken that window in the past three weeks."
"I know."
Rashid noticed Melody's complete weariness and that she looked like she was near tears.
"You really should go away for a vacation, Webmommie of Quatre-sama," Rashid gave his opinion. "You need to take care of yourself."
Melody laughed weakly. "Yeah, right." She looked up at him; he could see the desperation in her eyes. "We can't take the chibis on a vacation. Can you imagine what a disaster that could be?"
"You don't have to take them with you."
"Who would take care of them while we're gone? Dubird can't watch them because she and Tegan are going to an Anime convention in Florida."
"Why don't you go to Florida with them?" Rashid suggested. "There is no reason that we, the Maguanac Corps, cannot supervise the chibis for a few weeks." He could tell that she was very tempted to accept his offer. "Does Webdaddy of Quatre-sama have vacation time available?"
"Yes. But we were just going to spend those two weeks doing some work around the house. We need to paint several rooms."
"Just leave a list of instructions for us and we will see to it that the work is done."
"I'll talk to John about it." Melody now had hope. "It should be okay."
Quatre came into the kitchen with a worried expression on his sweet little face.
"Melody, I can't find my biolin. I've gotta practice it."
"I will help you to search for it, Quatre-sama," Rashid offered, causing the little boy to beam with happiness.
"Thanks, Rashid," Melody said. This was one of the times that having the Maguanac Corps living in the underground base in the back yard came in handy. "I need to deal with Duo, so that would help a lot."
Quatre slipped his small hand into Rashid's very large one. "Come on, Rashid," he looked way up at the man he so greatly admired, "an' I'll show you where I already looked."
Melody decided that she'd have a cup of tea before digging Duo out of the tool shed. She was sitting with the steaming cup when she saw the shed's door open and a very sheepish-looking little Shinigami emerge. He walked slowly over the grass in the direction of the house as if he were a death-row inmate going to the electric chair. Melody couldn't help but laugh at the irony. "After all, it's only a Time Out waiting for him," she thought, "not an execution."
Duo noiselessly opened the kitchen door, which was a clear indicator that he realized that he was in big trouble. It was at times like this when Melody realized that he COULD do things quietly WHEN he wanted to. "Melody?" he said in a small voice. "You in there?"
"Yes, Duo. Come in."
Duo stood next to her with his head bowed and his hands behind his back. "You know 'bout it?" he ventured timidly.
"Yes," Melody answered. "I heard the glass break."
Duo looked completely ashamed of himself. "I didn't mean to do it. I'm really sorry 'bout it too."
"I know. But I am glad to hear you say it."
"My 'llowance hasta pay for this one too?" he asked with an unspoken "I hope not" tagged onto the end of his question.
Melody nodded. "Yes. Go in the den and I'll set the timer for your Time Out."
"I hafta go to the bafroom first," Duo said. "That's how come I got outta the shed so early."
She had wondered about that.
Melody nodded, so Duo ran through the house, up the stairs and smacked right into Rashid.
"Uh--sorry, Rashid," he said as he quickly ducked under the large man's arm and ran down the hallway. Duo was afraid of Quatre's biggest 'fan'--just the size of the man intimidated him.
When Duo came downstairs he found Melody, with timer in hand, in the den with an irritated Rashid and his distressed little Quatre-sama. He stood in the doorway and listened.
"I GOTTA find it!" Quatre cried. "I'm sorry I was reer-responsible but I don't 'member where I put it."
"Quatre, there aren't many places that you could have left it," Melody said. "Did you leave it in the car?"
"No. Me an' Trowa had it yesterday in the Nursery."
"Well, then, it has to be in the Nursery."
"But we looked an' LOOKED."
"We have thoroughly searched the entire room," said Rashid.
"Did you look under Duo's bed?"
"Yes we did, Webmommie of Quatre-sama," Rashid reported. "We even took everything out from under the bed just to make sure that it wasn't there."
"But we put it ALL back," Quatre quickly added. "Even Duo's dead lizard in a jar."
'Great!' thought Duo. 'Now my 'spariment is ruined. She'll make me throw it 'way an' I'm not done watchin' it shribble up yet!'
"Well, I'm sorry, honey," Melody said as she stroked Quatre's little blonde head soothingly, "but I don't know where your violin could be."
At this point, when he realized what it was that they were searching for, Duo said, "I know where it is. It's in the tool shed."
Everyone turned and stared at him in disbelief.
"The tool shed?" That was the last place Melody would have thought of to look for Quatre's beloved violin.
"Yeah. Yesterday I needed it when Wufei 'n Heero 'n me was playin' Gangsters," Duo replied seriously. "But Quatre wasn't here so I couldn't ask him if I could use it. I needed to use the violin case to keep my gun in like they done on "Tales of the Gun" on the Hist'ry Channel."
Melody did not laugh, but she wanted to. She began to wonder about the things that the chibis were learning from educational television. "Go get it and bring it to Quatre," she said sternly so he wouldn't know how amusing he was to her. "Then you'll have your Time Out. An instrument is an expensive thing and you must NEVER do this again. Understood?"
Duo nodded solemnly. "I guess I won't have TV for awhile either, huh?" Duo guessed. He was an irresponsible boy, although he didn't mean to be, but he was sharp, so he could usually figure out what his 'punishmints' would be before Melody told him what they were. He was drawing upon his rich Life Experience.
"What do you have to say to Quatre?" Melody prompted.
"I'm sorry, Quatre," he said sincerely, "but it didn't get hurt or nuthin'."
"That's beside the point," Rashid added as he scowled at Duo; he was obviously angry with him for upsetting his precious Quatre-sama.
That scared Duo so badly that he ran to the shed to retrieve the violin at a pace that would have won him a Gold Medal in the Olympics.
Chaos reigned when Melody, John and Tegan returned from Florida, but it was not the usual kind. They couldn't help but notice the two mobile suits which were holding the roof up over the body of the house.
They pulled into the driveway and got as close as they could to the detached garage because the garage door was blocked from view by many members of the Maguanac Corps., who were supervising Quatre's circus elephant, Queenie.
Quatre ran up to the car and hugged everyone. He took Melody with one hand and Tegan with the other and pulled them toward the garage. "C'mon, John, you come too," he called over his shoulder. "Come 'n see what Queenie's doin'!"
When they reached the crowd that surrounded Queenie, the Maguanac moved aside to make room for the returning members of the family of their cherished little Quatre-sama.
"Look! Look!" Quatre cried. "Queenie's a Artist!" He smiled brightly. "She sure is a talented effelant!" he added proudly.
The garage had just been repainted in white, which was the color it had been and was the color it was supposed to be. No problem there. Where the paint job had gone awry was when Queenie had been given 2 large paint brushes and two buckets of paint--red and blue. Not only were there the wild brush strokes made with an elephantine flair, but "trunk prints" were randomly placed all over the garage door. They watched silently as Queenie continued her artistry; all three were at a complete loss for words.
"When she saw the paint she wanted to help so she dipped her nose in the blue paint an' made prints," Quatre explained excitedly. "An' then I 'membered that I saw a show on TV once that had an effelant paintin' pictures an' the people that b'longed to her sold the paintin's for LOTSA money. So I told Rashid that Queenie wanted to help paint on the garage an' he sent Abdul to buy brushes JUST FOR QUEENIE."
"Why--" Melody squeaked and then started over. "Why is the paint red and blue?"
"We was gonna have the Mog-a-nocks paint the 'Merican flag on the garage door 'cause we're pay-tree-ah-tick," Quatre explained, saying the last word slowly so that he would pronounce it correctly; he was proud that he had said it right the first time. "But then Queenie wanted to help so we're lettin' her paint 'stead. Treize says that Queenie is makin' 'ab-strack art.' Isn't it pretty?" Quatre admired his pet with shining eyes. "Look at how where she paints the red an' blue over each other that it makes purple! So there's THREE colors 'stead of only two! I think that's SO COOL--don't you? So the Mog-a-nocks are gonna paint the house to match!"
"But without Queenie's help," said Rashid, who had come up from behind; his deep voice startled them, but they were relieved to hear him say that.
"Rashid says that it would be too hard for Queenie to paint the upstairs part of the house, so he says that the porch an' stuff will be red an' blue 'stead. That will be so pretty!"
Melody patted Quatre's little yellow hard hat and said, "Rashid? May I speak with you privately?"
John and Tegan went to examine the goings-on with the roof while Melody and Rashid had a 'little talk.'
"Rashid," Melody said when they were out of Quatre's earshot, "you don't have to give Quatre everything he wants." She was especially thinking of how Quatre had gotten his elephant for Christmas, with just having made an off-hand remark about how fun it would be to have one.
"But see how happy he is." Rashid nodded in Quatre's direction, his eyes following the adored young boy's every move. "Quatre-sama is such a good boy and we, the Maguanac Corps, take great pleasure in his shining little face and happy smile, so we'll do whatever we can do to make him happy."
Rashid's attention had shifted entirely to the animated blonde little boy in his yellow hard hat, which was adorned with Rashid's goggles. Melody could see that Rashid had had his say, so trying to reason with him further would be an exercise in futility. She walked toward the house where John, Tegan, and other members of the Maguanac Corps were.
"Melody!" Duo came speeding toward her; she quickly hoped that he wouldn't accidentally knock her down. Like Quatre, he, too, was wearing a yellow hard hat, upon the front of which he had written his name in unsteady letters with a black permanent marker. He grabbed her and hugged her around the waist and held on tightly.
"If you let go then I can hug you back," Melody said, and he complied. Then he kissed her cheek right in front of everybody!
"We sure missed ya, but we been keepin' busy."
"I see that," Melody said, looking up at the various activities that were being performed in the attic. "What exactly is going on with the roof?"
Heero, followed by Relena, had made his way through the crowd and they were greeted with hugs and kisses. Relena had decorated her hard hat with lace that she had glued all around the rim and she had several silk flowers, which Melody recognized as having been taken from a floral arrangement in the living room, glued above the brim. She had a million questions and was chattering at ninety miles an hour so Tegan took charge of her while Melody continued to try to find out what was happening.
"Why has the roof been removed from the house?"
"OH--it's SO COOL!" exclaimed Duo, but he said nothing else because his attention had shifted to admiring the massive mobile suit nearby.
Since he was of no help, Melody turned to Heero.
"Well, the Mog-a-nocks wanted somethin' else t' do when they finished paintin' the rooms you wanted 'em to so Quatre heard 'em talkin' 'bout it an' he told Rashid" Melody rolled her eyes upward with a "Heaven help me" look "that the only thing we didn't get that we wanted when the Nursery was redec'rated is the laser lights that was Duo's idea," Heero explained. "'Member?"
Duo's attention was drawn back to the conversation when he heard his name. "It's gonna be the COOLEST ROOM EVER now!" he declared. "Relena wanted laser lights too since us boys in the Nursery were gettin' some an' Rashid said that was only fair."
"Then Quatre told Rashid," Heero continued, causing Melody to cringe inwardly, "that it would be a nice surprise to make laser lights for ALL the chibis' bedrooms--an' Tegan's too. He said that that would be fairer."
"So THAT'S why they had to take off the roof!" Duo finished with his typical enthusiasm.
Trowa and Wufei were putting on their hard hats when they came out of the house; they walked toward their returning family at a normal pace. Despite their lack of emotional display, Melody could see that they were happy to see her. Wufei even allowed himself to be hugged and kissed IN PUBLIC.
"Come an' see what we done inside," Trowa invited.
"Hey, Quatre!" Duo called, "it's time t' show Melody the surprise we got for her INSIDE the house!"
So Quatre came running and joined the little band of chibis as they escorted Melody through the house. They came upon Milliardo and Treize, who were calmly concentrating on their game of chess as if nothing unusual were happening; they took a break from their game to greet their webmommie. The smaller chibis were antsy and excited about showing their 'secret' to Melody, so the older boys wisely went back to their game and left the showing to the little ones. After all, they'd had NOTHING to do with what awaited Melody upstairs, and they were glad of that!
The chibis lead their bewildered webmommie down the hall because they had wanted her to close her eyes. When they got to the master bedroom Trowa said, "You can open 'em now." She did and they all shouted "Surprise!"
What she beheld as she looked into their normally pretty bedroom was that it was now a monstrosity in its new decor. In place of their beautiful floral bedspread was one that Melody was sure would win a "World's Ugliest Bedspread" competition, hands down. The material was greeny-gold and olive-brown and striped. The green-gold stripes shone slightly even in the dim light.
And covering the top third of the bed were shams and throw pillows; they, as well as the dust ruffle, were made of the same awful material.
Melody was even more horrified when Trowa and Wufei opened the heavy matching draperies and let the sun shine in; it looked even worse with the added daylight.
The walls had been painted a matching green-gold and a horrid olive-brown carpet had been installed. All of the furniture in the room, as well as the woodwork, had been painted to match the olive-brown stripes on the ugly new bedspread.
"We had lotsa trouble 'cidin' on the colors," Trowa informed her.
"'Cause we like ev'rythin' differ'nt from each other," Wufei added.
"So we 'cided that these would be the PERFECT colors since you don't already have them ANYWHERE in the house," Quatre declared with a look of great satisfaction.
There was a reason that these colors were not used in any room of the house: Melody hated, loathed and despised them! Passionately!
"Our beautiful room," she mourned inwardly. She looked at all of the bright, happy faces that were watching her; they were still wearing their hard hats but that safety equipment would not prevent the broken hearts they would have if she told them her opinion of the great alterations that had been made to their bedroom. It was now dark, dreary and ugly beyond belief!
"Are ya surprised?" Duo asked, looking up at her with his sincere big blue eyes.
Blue eyes were Melody's greatest weakness--especially Duo's--so she forced herself to smile and said, "I sure am."
They would just have to live with it. And think long and hard before taking another vacation.
~Standard disclaimer~
The author does not claim ownership of Gundam Wing nor any of its characters, including the adorable chibis. >_<
Gundam Wing belongs to Sunrise, Sotsu Agency and TV Asahi.