Chibi Fanfic!


by The Blue Reaper

Heero and the rest of the chibis are running around looking for Kou.

“Trowa! You find him yet?” Heero calmly says.

Trowa shakes his head left to right and back again. “Nope. When Kou sue-gested that we play hide and go peek with all of us and the peekers because he was the best hider ever, I denin think it would be this hard!” Trowa moans.

Duo, Wufei, Milliardo, Treize, Relena, and Quatre meet up with Heero and Trowa. Quatre was the first to speak. “Guys! I gots violin practice in 2 minutes and we have checked everywhere! Except guys don‘t think he would have......gone into either Tegan‘s or Melody‘s room, do ya?” They all look at each other and run to the entrance of Melody’s room. No Kou. They then run the entrance of Tegan’s room and they see Kou reading Tegan’s diary. Relena looks really mad.

“Kou! You’re not a poosed to be readin’ her diary! You’re gonna get in so much trouble when Tegan and Melody come back!”

Kou looks over at the group, calmly, who are still in the doorway because they don’t wanna get in trouble. “So?” Quatre pipes up, “You’ll be put on punishment or worser!”

Kou now looks annoyed. “You guys always inerupt me when I’m doing some in fun. I was just getting to the best part about what happened to her at school last week. And I re-in-state: So?”

“Master Quatre! It is time for your lessons!” Rashid is heading up the stairs to look for Quatre.

“Uh oh! It’s Rashid,” Duo says in a scared tone. “You’d better get out of there Kou.” Treize tries to give wise counsel to his friend.

“Do you think I’m scared of some guy named Rashid?” Kou turns back and keeps reading the diary. “Oh trust me. You will be,” Milliardo and Wufei say in unison.

“Ah there you are Master Quatre. What are you all.....?” Rashid is stopped in mid-sentence by the image of Kou reading Tegan’s diary. He walks up behind Kou and Kou turns around, not looking at all scared.

“Rashid I pre-zoom?” Kou still doesn’t looks scared or even like he has a guilty conscience even though he knows he’s done something wrong.

“You are correct in that presumption. Kou, I presume. This is the first time we’ve met. I don’t know if you know all the rules yet, but you are not supposed to be in here,” Rashid says.

“Yeah, I’m Kou. And I do know the rules.” Kou turns back to the diary.

Rashid is agitated now, “Then why are you doing this?”

“Because I wanna.”

Rashid is very agitated now. He picks up Kou and turns him around, “You are going to be punished for this, young one.”

Kou now looks angry, “Oh yeah?! By who?”

Just then they hear the door open and shut. “We’re home everyone!” Melody yells out and she and Tegan start heading upstairs.

“Uh oh!” Trowa yelps.

“Run!!” Heero commands. Kou closes up Tegan’s diary, takes it with him, kicks Rashid in the shin and starts to run out.

“Ouch! Come back here!” Rashid starts to chase Kou when Melody and Tegan show up at the door.

Kou runs right through Tegan’s legs.

“Whats going on in here?!”

Rashid yells after Kou, “I caught the little silver-haired one reading your diary, Websister of Quatre-sama. I was about to grab him, but he ran between your legs and still has your diary at hand.”

Kou is downstairs when he hears an almost evil scream from Tegan.


He hears foot steps coming his way, FAST!!

Kou thinks to himself, "Good thing I kept two of the smoke bombs and two of the beam sabers hidden from them. Now I can escape! Yes!"

Tegan appears on the other side of the room, “Kou when I get my hands on you, you’re going to be on punishment for the rest of you life!” She starts walking towards Kou, slowly. Melody comes down after her, “That goes double, Kou. And you might be getting a hair cut. We can’t even go pick up your friend Mya without you doing something wrong.“

Kou smiles and says, “First, she ain’t my friend, and second you ain’t even gonna catch me!” He throws down one of the smoke bombs and toy snakes come out of it. “Huh!? Oh, that’s the rigged one. Here is the real one!” He throws it down and the room fills with blue smoke.

A little red haired girl that is really, really cute walks in behind the two to see the room filled with blue smoke. She simply says, “Is Kou troubling you?”

They nod.

She smiles. “I’ll get ‘im.”

The other chibis walk into the room. Relena sees the other girl. "Hiya. Who are you?”

The girl turns around. “Hey! I’m Mya Kaimae. Nice to meet you all.”

They each say their names, 'Heero' 'Duo' 'Trowa' 'Quatre' 'Wufei'.

'Treize, pleased to make your acquaintance."

"Greetings, I’m Milliardo."

Tegan yells out to Kou, “Give it back!”


“Now Kou!”


“Give it back now or I’ll send Mya in there.”

“N....You brought her here? NOOO!!”

“Mya could you go get him?” Tegan asks Mya, a little smugly.

“No problem! Kooou! How ya doin? I love playin’ hide and go peek with you.” She then goes rushing into the smoke and within 10 seconds of her being there they hear a scream from Kou as the smoke is starting to clear.

“No not YOU! Leave me alone!”

The smoke has cleared and they see Kou with a very scared look on his face. “At least we know what Kou is afraid of now,” says Treize with a smug look on his face.

Kou starts to run with Mya in hot pursuit. “I’m not giving the diary back!”

“Give her the diary my lovely, please for me.”



“NOOO!” Kou remembers something. He stops and turns around, “Don’t take another step, Mya! Or else!”

Mya stops chasing him. “Or else what, my handsome husband-to-be?”

Kou’s makes a face as if he is about to barf. “EWW! I’m not gonna marry you! And or else this!” He takes out a beam saber, the usual blue beam with a white handle. Mya steps back and with amazing precision Kou cuts off part off her sleeve. “WAAAHHH!!” Mya runs to Melody and starts to cry.

Tegan is way beyond ticked at this moment. “Alright, Kou! That’s enough! You are going to be in so much trouble when I catch you!”

She starts chasing after Kou. Kou runs upstairs. She follows. Kou keeps running and reaches the end of the hallway. “Uh oh…” Tegan has him cornered.

”Kou, you are in so much trouble!”

Kou thinks to himself, “Gotta fake her out..” Kou starts to cry as Tegan moves closer. “I’m real sorry Tegan and I’ll never do it again.” Kou holds the diary up to Tegan.

“No way Kou! I’m not falling for it.” Tegan is standing right in front of him now and getting ready to grab her diary back.

“Uhh..fine then!” He then snatches the diary back and runs through Tegan’s legs again.

“Come back here!” Tegan is now way, way beyond mad.

Kou keeps running until he gets to the stairs. He stops there. He sees Tegan coming at him fast. “Better take ta des pirate measures.” He then jumps on the railing and grinds down the rail.

Tegan sees this and yells, “Mom!” “Uh oh.” Kou knows what’s coming next. When he reaches the end of the rail he tries to jump off fast but Melody catches him by his coat.

“Alright young man, lets discuss your punishment,” says Melody while plucking the diary and beam saber from him. She looks at Relena, Mya and Tegan and they all smile. “We have quite the punishment for you.”

Kou hangs his head. “Uh oh........I can tell this is gonna be a long week.”

The End

Disclaimer: I don’t own gundam wing or any of its characters.
I do own Kou and Mya. Both web mistresses have permission to use Kou and Mya freely.