Chibi Fanfic!

The Miss-sterious Box

by Melody

Part I: Findin' Contraband

In the darkest corner, underneath many other boxes, stood the mysterious box; in just the sort of place that the chibis would look to find "treasures" amongst the junk in the attic. Sorting through the stored stuff and old clothes was a great source of entertainment on a stormy day.

"Hey, guys--look what I found," Duo called across the room to Heero and Wufei. "It's a box with a lock on it."

The other boys quickly climbed over the things that were in their way in their eagerness to investigate Duo's "find."

"I've never seen THAT b'fore," Wufei said somewhat suspiciously. "I thought we'd seen all the boxes in the attic."

"Well, we musta missed this one." Duo was exercising his logical skills, which were improving with time and use. "'Cause this box was under all the other stuff so it HADTA be here b'fore."

"Hn..." Heero's clever little brain was scheming rapidly. "Let me see if I can get it open."

Duo handed the green metal box to Wufei, who passed it to Heero. They made their way through the maze to the top of the stairs so that they could have more room to work.

"It's not heavy at all," Duo observed with obvious disappointment in his voice. "so maybe there's nuthin' inter'sting in it."

"Hn..." Heero began turning the dial on the lock. Picking locks was one of Heero's many useful talents; it came in handy from time to time.

Fifteen minutes later Heero smiled slightly but triumphantly as he felt the last click before the padlock opened. He opened the lid and looked inside.

"What's in it?" Wufei asked curiously.

Heero took a piece of paper out of the box.

"Is that all there is?" Duo's disappointment was obvious.

"No," Heero answered. "There's a book in there too."

"Well, let's see it," Duo said as he tried to grab the box.

"No, let's look at that first," said Wufei, grabbing Duo by the wrists to restrain him.

"Well, what's it say?" Duo asked, anxious to get the paper out of the way so he could see the book.

"It says 'Most Honor'ble World Order of Webmommies' and it has Melody's name on it."

"It is a 'fishul paper, then," Wufei remarked.

Heero showed the certificate to the other two.

"Wow!" Duo exclaimed loudly.

Wufei clapped his hand over Duo's mouth. "Shh," he hissed threateningly into Duo's ear. "We don't want anyone to know we found somethin' cool up here, okay?"

Duo nodded so Wufei let him go.

"This must be very 'portant if she keeps it locked in a box," Heero observed. "So we better be careful with it."

Heero put the paper on the top of a cardboard box and retrieved the book.

"'The 'Fishul Webmommie's Handbook'," Heero read.

Relena opened the attic door and called up the stairs to the boys.

"Melody says t' come down an' wash your hands real good 'fore supper 'cause you been grubbin' round in the attic," she said.

"Now?" Duo demanded.

"Yeah, now," Relena replied. "What's wrong with you, anyways?"

"Nuthin's wrong," Wufei answered her. "We just don't want any girls 'round, that's all."

"So close the door already," said Heero.

Relena humphed and shut the door.

"That was close," Wufei said to Duo.

"Yeah, ya gotta not act 'spicious or they'll find out what we got," Heero said in an irritated voice.

"Well, anyway, we better put the book back," Duo pouted.

"Yeah, we'll have t' read it some other time," said Heero as he placed the book and the certificate back where they came from. Duo put the box back where he found it and they started piling the other boxes on top of it.

Relena opened the door. "Melody says you gotta come NOW," she announced.

"We're coming! We're coming! Give us a break!" Duo said impatiently.

"Well! You don't hafta get nasty 'bout it, ya know."

Part II: Readin' Contraband

It was bedtime and all of the chibis were safely tucked away for the night. When Heero was certain that Quatre and Trowa were fast asleep he took out his flashlight and pulled the covers over his head. Wufei and Duo saw the light shine briefly so they were full of curiosity.

"What'cha got there?" Duo asked as he and Wufei stood next to Heero's bed.

Heero poked his head out of the blanket, holding the flashlight under the covers so that it wouldn't show.

"It's the book from that box in the attic," Heero whispered. "I sneaked up into the attic after supper an' got it."

"Scoot over--we wanna read it too," whispered Wufei.

Duo and Wufei got under the covers and lay on their backs on either side of Heero. Duo held the flashlight so that it would be easier for Heero to hold the book in both hands.

"Okay," Wufei whispered. "Start readin'."

"'The 'Fishul Webmommie's Handbook'," Heero read aloud. "'A book for Webmommies of hard-to-manage chibis.

'Chapter One: Rules for the Unruly
'Chapter Two: Restrickshins for the Rambunkshus
'Chapter Three: Punishmints for the Naughty.'"

"I don't like the sounda THAT," Duo declared. "Let's read that one first."

"That is probly the most 'portant chapter for US," added Wufei.

Heero flipped the pages until he found the ominous-sounding Chapter Three.

"Look at THIS," Heero pointed to the large bold red letters. "WARNING: This is the chapter that NO chibi should EVER read! Any chibi caught readin' this will get his Webmommie in lotsa trouble. She will get her 'Most Honor'ble World Order of Webmommies' certif'cate taken 'way from her if enyone knows a chibi has been readin' this book.'"

"We better put this book back in the box," said Wufei.

"An' QUICK!" added Duo.

"'An' even if a chibi puts this book 'way an' thinks nobody will know 'bout it,'" Heero continued to read, "their fingerprints are on the paper--'" Heero dropped the book. "MY fingerprints is on it," he said in a horrified whisper.

"So's the resta us's," Duo reminded him.

"Boy, are WE in trouble," Wufei observed solemnly.

They laid the book on the pillow, using the sheet to keep more tell-tale fingerprints from getting on the forbidden pages. They lay on their stomachs; the horns on Duo's and Heero's cow pajamas helped by holding up the sheet over them. Wufei was now holding the flashlight because Duo was too shaky to hold it steadily enough for Heero to read by.

"'An' any chibis found guilty of readin' this book will be BANISHED FROM THE LAND.'"

"What's 'banished' mean?" asked Duo, who was both puzzled AND suspicious.

"That means ya never get t' come back," Wufei explained.

"So we're doomed, then," Heero said in a matter-of-fact monotone.

"Doomed 'bout WHAT, 'zactly?" Duo asked anxiously.

"We'll be banished from Minnesota at least," said Wufei.

"An' probly from all of 'Merica, too," Heero added.

"Maybe we'll have to float in a boat for the rest of our lives like the man in that movie "A Man Without a Country" had to," Wufei guessed, causing them all to run panicking from the Nursery to search for Melody.

Part III: Fessin' Up

Melody heard the three distraught chibis running down the hall. They were at the bottom of the stairs by the time she got to the living room doorway, anxious to see what all the fuss was about.

"What's wrong?" she asked the pale and trembling little boys standing in a row in front of her, hands behind their backs.

"We got a 'fession t' make," Heero bravely admitted.

Duo threw his little arms around Melody's waist and clung to her as tightly as he could. "PLEASE don't banish us from the land!" he wailed. "I don't WANNA live in a boat!"

Needless to say, Melody was very, very confused.

"We didn't know it was so 'portant," Wufei admitted, "else we wouldn't a readed it."

Melody looked carefully at all three boys. She had never been so completely and utterly baffled by the chibis since they had come to live with her.

"I have no idea of what you're talking about," she said warily.

"The book in the attic," Heero said, thinking that was explanation enough. They could tell that she was still puzzled--they knew THAT look when they saw it because she looked at them that way ALL THE TIME.

"'The 'Fishul Webmommie's Handbook'," Wufei elaborated, but he could see that that did not help her. "You know, the one in the box in the attic with the lock on it."

"Maybe you should show me the book," she suggested wisely.

"An' our fingerprints is ALL OVER IT," Duo declared mournfully, not loosening his grip on Melody even a little bit.

Heero handed the book to her.

"An' now they'll take 'way your Webmommie Certif'cate," Duo moaned. "We're REALLY SORRY."

Melody examined the mysterious book in question, which was in reality a slim three-ring loose leaf notebook with a very familiar light gray paper and a font that she knew well.

Heero pulled his sleeve down over his hand and helped her find the page that had upset them so much.

Melody had to use all of the restraint she could muster so she wouldn't laugh. She knew of two chibis--the oldest chibis, in fact--who were in big trouble for frightening these gullible little ones.

The End

This story is dedicated to Sam, for whom the Official Parents' Handbook was originally created. ^_^

~Standard disclaimer~

The author does not claim ownership of Gundam Wing nor any of its characters, including the adorable chibis. >_<

Gundam Wing belongs to Sunrise, Sotsu Agency and TV Asahi.