Chibi Fanfic!

Chibi Heero's Just Desserts

by Melody

Melody and Chibi Wufei had just returned from a secretly dreaded--and inwardly harrowing--visit to the dentist. He vowed that he would get even with that dentist if he ever DARED to tell Melody JUST ONE MORE TIME that he had a cavity--and he'd make him REGRET EVERY WORD OF IT! He was seething in his heart, but he didn't want anyone to know he was afraid of the dentist so he kept his feelings to himself.

"Now, hold still so I can tie this," he heard Relena say.

Wufei walked up to the doorway of the kitchen just in time to see Relena putting the finishing touches on a large bow on the back of Heero's white ruffled apron. He watched to see what would happen. This was gonna be LOTS more fun than visiting the dentist--that's for sure!

"Do I HAFTA wear this?" Heero complained.

"If ya don't you'll get your clothes all dirty."

"I don't care."

"Well, Melody DOES an' that's what's 'portant. She's the one that hasta wash the clothes, ya know, so just wear it, okay?"

Heero glared his answer.

"Now I'll get the 'gredients," said Relena, taking charge of the kitchen. "Then I'll tell ya what to do."

Wufei could tell by the tiny smile at the corners of Relena's mouth that she was going to ENJOY being in charge of her hunny-bunny.

"SO," Wufei spoke suddenly, startling Heero. "What are WE doin' today? Bakin' cookies?" There was more than a touch of sarcasm in Wufei's voice.

"No," Heero answered with what he imagined to be all of his dignity. It worked better in his imagination than it did in the kitchen, though. "They're gonna be cupcakes."

"Same diff'rence," Wufei grimaced, remembering the tummy ache he'd had after the LAST TIME Relena baked with her Easy Bakin' Oven. "Where's ev'rybody else?"

"They went to Dubird's for the afternoon."

"Why didn't you guys go with?"

"Heero's grounded 'gain and I wanted to stay where he was so Melody said Tegan could watch us. She's upstairs. She said we have to take turns playin' what we like an' I played hide-an'-seek with him already--an' I hid SO GOOD that he couldn't find me for the LONGEST time! I think he gave up 'cause he was in here when I got out of my hidin' spot," Relena chattered away happily. "So now we're playin' House."

"No we're not," Heero contradicted.

"Yes we are too!" Relena declared stubbornly, waving her wooden spoon. It flew out of her hand and landed in the kitchen sink.

Heero was starting to become annoyed.

"No we're not--we're COOKIN'," Heero said defensively. What little dignity he'd mustered earlier was gone now.

"Aw, that's the same thing as when you play House," said Wufei, stepping into dangerous water. "Pretty soon she'll have ya playin' Wedding with her an' dressin' baby dolls an' pushin' that PINK stroller with the lace all over it all 'round the block. Ya gotta be a MAN, Heero--she's got you wrapped 'round her little finger."

"Wufei...don'," Heero warned slowly, giving him a smoldering glare, "Omae o korosu."

Relena was obviously shocked.

"Heero, you know better'n to say that," Relena shook her finger at him. "You know that Melody said you'd get your mouth washed out with soap next time she hears you say that. 'Member?"

"Well, she DIDN'T hear me," Heero said defensively.

"Well, I DID."

"Well, ya DON'T hafta TELL HER."

"Well, what if I DO?" Relena challenged, hands on hips.

"Well...then I won't let ya sit by me EVER 'GAIN. An' I won't never play with you neither."

"Wah!" Relena burst into tears.

"What's going on here?" asked Melody, who had suddenly appeared in the doorway.

Relena rushed up to her and grabbed her around the waist, burying her face in Melody's skirt. Her muffled voice was barely audible.

Melody knelt down in front of her and wiped away her tears. "I couldn't understand you," she said. "Now, tell me what's wrong."

"Heero's bein' mean to me," Relena complained, and put her thumb in her mouth.

Melody gave Relena a quick hug. "You'll be okay now, Relena." Then she turned her attention to the boys. "What happened?"

"Aw, they're just havin' a Lovers' Quarrel," Wufei answered helpfully. "It's nuthin'--they do that all the time."

"I DON'T LOVE HER!" Heero declared savagely. He was standing behind Wufei, so he sprang forward and grabbed Wufei around his neck, while pinning one of Wufei's arms behind his back. "You take that back," Heero demanded, tightening his grip on Wufei, whose face was turning an interestingly bright shade of red. "Omae o korosu."

Melody pried the boys apart, leaving Heero angry, Relena sniffling, and Wufei gasping for air. Melody checked to see that Wufei was okay and then she turned to her little assassin-wannabe and took him by the ear.

"Heero Yuy, you come with me," Melody said sternly, leading him from the room. "I have a bar of soap I'd like you to meet."

The End

~Standard disclaimer~

The author does not claim ownership of Gundam Wing nor any of its characters, including the adorable chibis. >_<

Gundam Wing belongs to Sunrise, Sotsu Agency and TV Asahi.