Chibi Fanfic!

Apologies Unexpected
by Melody

Part 1: The Sorry Shinigami

It was a glorious Indian Summer day in Minnesota when teen Duo went to meet Relena at the airport. The sunshine, the warm breeze and the smell and sound of the crackling leaves blowing over the sidewalks and down the streets were a welcome change for the teenaged Princess who had been baking in the hot Arizona sun for the past few months.

“Here,” Duo said, giving her his spare helmet. “Put this on.”

Relena did so with the unspoken thought about what the helmet would do to her hair but she didn’t complain. She was just so glad to be back during the best days of the entire year she decided that how her hair looked was a trivial matter.

“It’s a good thing that I sent my luggage on ahead,” the now-helmeted girl commented as she seated herself behind her friend. “I had no idea that you were bringing me home on a motorcycle.”

“Well, it would be a crime not to ride on a great day like this,” Duo explained as he started the engine. “This Indian Summer won’t last longer than a few more days,” he said louder so he could be heard over the roar. “Oh--by the way, we’re stoppin’ off on the way at the school where Melody and John send their kids,” he said as he donned his own helmet. “Hold on tight!”

That was the last thing which was said between the two of them until they slowed down while driving up the hill to the school because it had been too noisy for them to hear each other during the short trip. They saw most of the younger chibis playing on the playground just before they parked the bike.

“What’s all this about?” asked the puzzled girl while removing her helmet and running her fingers through her long blonde tresses in an attempt to undo any possible visual damage.

“I gotta apologize for somethin’ I did,” Duo answered sheepishly but he did not elaborate. “I’ll be right back.”

Duo entered the building through the large glass doors and a sign immediately caught his attention. “Visitors, please check in at the office.” So Duo followed the arrows pointing the way and found the office with no problems.

“Hi, I’m Duo Maxwell,” the school Principal heard him say to the secretary, which made him perk up his ears. “I’m here to talk to the Kindergarten teacher.”

When Mr. Owens heard the stuttering secretary he looked up from his desk and saw the larger version of Chibi Duo. ‘So there really is a Big Duo,’ he laughed to himself. 'This is going to be great!’

“Welcome to our school, Mr. Maxwell,” Mr. Owens greeted the unexpected visitor in a friendly tone of voice. “I’m Alfred Owens, the school Principal.”

“Well, hey Alfie,” Duo responded and gave him a friendly handshake. “Just call me Duo.”

Mr. Owens cringed at hearing the name his mother insisted on calling him to this day; normally, he never allowed anyone else to call him that, but he decided to say nothing about it in this case. “Okay, Duo. I heard that you’re here to see Mrs. Meyer?”

“If that’s the name of the Kindergarten teacher, yeah,” the young man replied. “I’ve got somethin’ to tell her.”

“I’ll take you to her classroom,” Mr. Owens offered.

“That would be great, Alfie.” Mr. Owens cringed again. “I thought talkin’ to her after school like this would be better.” Duo noticed the grimace on the older man’s face. “Somethin’ wrong? Hope it’s not a problem for me bein’ here.”

“No,” Mr. Owens squeaked and then coughed. “No problem,” he assured him. “No problem at all.”

As they left the office, the man in charge was not surprised when he saw the long braid hanging down ‘big’ Duo’s back.

“Duo!” the smaller of the two royal girls exclaimed when she saw the friend she admired so much walking down the hallway. She ran to him; he picked her up and swung her around.

“How’s my favorite princess doin’ today?”

“Am I REALLY your fav’rite Princess?” the dainty child asked. “Even more fav’riter than big Relena?”

“Yeah, even more than big Relena. Just don’t tell her I said that, okay?” Duo winked conspiritorily as he set her down.

Relena tried to wink back but she couldn’t. “Am I gettin’ any closer to winkin’ right yet?” she asked hopefully.

“You’ll get it sometime so just keep practicin’,” Duo answered cheerfully. “And speakin’ of princesses, guess who I got with me today?”

”Big Relena’s back?!” exclaimed the excited little girl.


“Is she in the car?”

“Nope, no car—I rode my bike today. But she’s out front and I’m sure she’ll be glad to see ya.”

Relena raced down the hallway toward the front doors. Mr. Owens didn’t insist that she walk instead of run because he could see how excited she was and being that the school was nearly empty the ‘don’t run in the hallway’ rule could be ignored--this once.

“This her room here?”

“It sure is,” the Principal answered with a smile.

The young Duo’s double entered the classroom filled with tiny desks and colorful displays of the children’s artwork. “Mrs. Meyer?” he addressed the dark-haired woman washing the blackboard. She answered, “Yes” without turning around so he walked over to stand by her side.

“I’ve come to apologize to you about teaching the chibis (cough) alternate versions of the nursery rhymes. My name is Duo Maxwell,” he explained the reason for his presence and held out his hand for a friendly breaking-the-ice handshake.

Mrs. Meyer whipped around to face her visitor, her face as white as paper. “What?” she managed to say just before she collapsed into Mr. Owens’ arms. “I knew she’d do that,” he explained. “That’s why I was standing behind her.”

“Yeah,” Duo answered, scratching his head and shifting his position as he usually did when he felt uncomfortable. This was an unexpected turn of events. “Melody told me she’s prone to faintin’ but I really didn’t think she’d faint just by seein’ me.” Duo shifted again. “I thought she’d maybe faint from bein’ mad about the nursery rhymes I taught ‘em, though.”

All of the boys except Heero entered the room, followed by the group of loyal Maguanacs who had been supervising their outdoor fun.

“Look at Mrs. Meyer,” Trowa said to the large group.

Heero ran through the doorway, panting. “What’dya do—hit her?” Heero asked ‘big’ Duo. “I don’t think hittin’ teachers’s ‘llowed.”

“Oh, no!” little Quatre cried, looking very distressed. “Duo wouldn’t a hit her--she’s fainted ‘gain!”

“She sure does that a lot,” commented Wufei with unmistakable contempt. “Just like a girl!”

“She IS a girl,” Trowa reminded him.

“I KNOW THAT.” The Chinese boy glared at him with his large ebony eyes.

“Melody says Mrs. Meyer’s prong to doin’ that,” Chibi Duo said in an attempt to enlighten his older self as Rashid lifted the unconscious teacher over his shoulder and carried her to the nurses’ office. Again.

"Hey, Alfie, I hear you like spiders," Duo remarked as he and the principal followed Rashid and the chibis.

"Yes I do. Tarantulas especially..."

Part II: Solidarity

When Duo left the building he saw Relena sitting on a bench by the curb and holding her little self on her lap. Both of the princesses had serious expressions on their identical faces.

“Be persistent and keep pursuing him and I’m sure he’ll come around eventually,” ‘big’ Relena advised.

“That’s a lotta big words. Can you ‘splain ‘em to me?”

“Well, it means to keep doing what you’re doing and he’ll learn to like you eventually.”

“’Adventureally’—is that meanin’ like ‘soon’?”

“No, it just means ‘someday’,” big Relena clarified.

“Oh,” Chibi Relena responded in a disappointed tone, her little brows furrowed.

“Boys like girls a lot better when they’re older,” teen Relena added with a wink.

‘Small’ Relena tried to wink back. “I can’t wink real good yet but big Duo says to keep practicin’ an’ he’s sure I’ll learn how.”

Duo crouched down and put his arms out to the little princess. “C’mere and give me a hug, missie. We need to get goin’ here.”

“Duo!” the smaller Relena jumped off of her larger self’s lap and ran straight into his bear hug. “Relena says if I’m permanent and keep persecutin’ him that Heero will come ‘round adventurally!”

Duo looked over her head at the other princess and raised an eyebrow. “You do that, honey. I’ll see ya later, okay?”


As Duo handed teen Relena’s helmet to her he said, “You sure give some advice!”

“Well, we girls have to stick together, you know.” Relena gave him a sly look and settled in on the seat behind him.

The engine roared to life just as little Relena ran up to them. “Duo, when will ya be comin’ over to our house ‘gain?” she asked loudly.

“Oh,” Duo said with a wicked sparkle in his blue-violet eyes, “just as soon as this Relena’s done persecutin’ big Heero some more.” He ignored the poke in the ribs he received. “You get back over there so you don’t get run over and we’ll see ya then,” he instructed the little girl.

“What did you tell her that for?” Relena shouted in his ear as they sped down the road.

“Well, after all, you girls hafta stick together, right?” he called back. “Then so do us guys. Hey--maybe I should stop ‘n call Heero to warn him before we get there.”

Relena hugged Duo tightly and he could feel that she was laughing. He pulled up to the curb and shut off the engine.

“What’s so funny?”

“You’re too late--he’s already been warned. While you were in the school Chibi Heero asked if he could use my cell phone.”

The End

~Standard disclaimer~

The author does not claim to own Gundam Wing nor any of its characters, including the adorable chibis. >_<

Gundam Wing belongs to Sunrise, Sotsu Agency and TV Asahi.