Chibi Fanfic!

Adventures in Chibisitting

by Dubird

As Melody, Tegan and John were getting ready for their evening out, a knock came on the door.

Chibi Duo opened it.

"Hi, Du!" he said brightly.

"Hey, sweetie. Is Melody around?"

Duo nodded. "She's gettin' ready. She 'n Tegan 'n John're goin' out, but we can't go."

Dubird laughed.

"Don't worry. You'll get to go soon enough."

The trio came downstairs all dressed up.

"Sure you'll be okay?" asked Melody.

"Oh, sure! I've done this lots of times."

"So you get to be our 'sitter?" Duo asked excitedly.

"I sure do," she replied.

"Yea!" he said, jumping up and down.

The other chibis came into the living room.

"What's going on?" Chibi Quatre asked.

"Du'll be your babysitter tonight, so be good for her, okay?" Melody told them.

"OK!" Quatre replied happily.

"Heero?" Melody looked at Chibi Heero sternly.

"Yes, ma'am," he replied with an innocent look.

"I'll make sure he's 'haved!" Relena added.

Heero looked at Melody with pleading eyes.

"That's fine, but just remember what we talked about with Heero's personal space."

"Yes ma'am," Relena replied solemnly.

The trio left after administering numerous hugs to the group.

The chibis then looked up at Du.

"So what'cha gonna do with us?" Duo asked.

"Well, it's almost dinnertime. Who's hungry?"


Six chibi hands raised in the air.

Du grinned. "Let's head to the kitchen then."

As they headed to the kitchen, she asked what they wanted to eat.

"Can we have veggie hotdogs?" Quatre asked as he climbed into his chair.

"Well, what does everyone else want?"

"Hot dogs!" Duo, Heero and Wufei chorused.

"I like soup" said Chibi Trowa.

"Don't worry. You can have soup instead," replied Du. She then turned to Chibi Relena. "What do you want, sweetie?"

"I want what Heero's havin'!"

Duo snorted. "I could'a told ya that!"

"Be nice, Duo," Du said as she got the food from the fridge.

"I'm sorry, Relena," Duo said sheepishly.

"S'ok!" Relena replied happily.

Du grinned.

"Ok, guys, go wash your hands."


After dinner, they sat in the living room playing. The boys were racing Matchbox cars, and Relena was playing Cat's Cradle with Du. Relena sighed as she turned to watch the boys.

"What's wrong?" Du asked.

"I wanna play with Heero, but he won't play house with me."

"Well, sometimes boys don't like to play house," Du replied. "Have you tried playing what he wants to?"

"Would he play with me then?" Relena asked with big, hopeful eyes.

"He might. Why don't you ask him?"


Relena went over and sat down next to Heero.

"Can I play cars, too?" she asked sweetly.

Heero paused.

"I guess so. You can be the white car."

"Ooohh! White's purty!"

Duo rolled his eyes at that.

Relena picked up the white car and looked at Heero. "Now what?"

"We're racin'!" Duo replied. "You start here," he pointed to the coffee table. "an' the first car to the kitchen wins!"

"Oh," said Relena. She didn't really get it, but since Heero was playing with her now she didn't really mind.

"But girls don't know nothing about racin'," said Wufei.

"Yes they do!" Relena replied indignantly. "Girls drive all the time!"

"Drivin's diffr'nt from racin'," Wufei said. "I've seen racin' on TV, and I've never seen girls racin'!"

"Is that the show where the cars go 'round 'n 'round in circles.?"

"Yep!" Duo supplied. "I like it when they crash!"

"But people get hurt in crashes!" Quatre piped up.

"Well, I don't like that part. That's not fun. But the rest's excitin'!"

"That's just mean!" Relena said in horror.

Du spoke up.

"Well, now, just because you don't like something someone else does doesn't make them bad, Relena."

"See?" Duo said.

Just then the phone rang.

"You guys just wait here. That's probably Melody," Du said as she ran for the phone.

"I like crashes too," Wufei put in.

"I still think that's mean!" said Relena. "If people get hurt, it's not fun!"

"That's b'cause you're a girl," replied Wufei. "Girls don't know what's excitin'."

"I'm tellin'!" Relena said as she ran after Du.

"That's not nice!" Heero said.

Wufei turned to Heero. "I thought you didn't like her anyways."

"Well...I don't. But it's still not nice!"

"So? You're not the boss of me!" Wufei said, sticking his tongue out at Heero. Heero responded by lunging at Wufei, who ducked and ran out of the room. Heero followed as fast as he could. Relena came back in the room, followed by Du.

"What just happened?" Du asked.

"Heero called Wufei 'mean' for pickin' on Relena, then started chasin' him," Quatre supplied.

"Oh, no."

Du took off after the running chibis.

"Run, Heero! She's got Nikes on!" yelled Duo.

"You mean Heero d'fended me?" Relena asked happily.

Quatre and Trowa nodded.

"I knew he liked me!"

Relena left to chase down Heero.

"I think Heero's goin' t' get into trouble again," Duo whispered to Trowa, who nodded agreement.

Suddenly, a ringing sound came from Du's bag.

"What's that?" Duo asked.

"Sounds like a 'phone," Quatre answered.

"Think we oughta answer it?"

"Guess so." Quatre reached in and pulled out Du's cell phone. "'Ello?"

A startled voice on the other end asked "Ummm...Is Du there?"

"Yup! She's babysittin' us!" Quatre responded brightly.

"Oh, I see. I'm her friend Mey. Can I talk to her?"

"If she gets back!"

There was a short pause on the other end. "What do you mean 'IF she gets back'?"

"She's chasin' Heero!"

"Oh. What's Heero doing?"

"He's chasin' Wufei!"

"Oh, I see," a confused Mey answered.

"Who is that on my phone, Quatre?" Du's voice came from behind him.

The chibis turned to see Du standing in the doorway with Wufei tucked under one arm and Heero under the other one. Relena stood next to her holding Heero's hand and looking very happy.

"It's your friend Mey. He wants to talk to you!" Quatre held her phone up.

"OK, can you hold the phone for me for just a minute?"

Du deposited each chibi on separate ends of the couch and removed Heero's hand from Relena's.

"Thank you, sweetie," she said, taking the phone from Quatre and moving a few feet back. She looked at the two on the couch. "You two stay right there," she said, then spoke into her phone for a few minutes.

"So did ya get into a fight?" Duo whispered to Heero.

"No. She caught us b'fore I caught Wufei," Heero replied. "She runs as fast as Melody!"

Du hung up her phone and looked sternly at the two on the couch. "Now, what was the reason for this?"

Heero looked up at her innocently. "Wufei was bein' mean, and didn't stay to let me ed'cate him diffr'ntly."

"And would 'educating him differently' involve hitting him?"


Du crossed her arms in front of her. "I find it hard to believe that Melody lets you simply fight things out."

Wufei looked up. "She doesn't. We always get in trouble after we fight."

"Then why do you fight?" Du asked with a confused expression.

"B'cause!" Heero replied.

Du sighed. "That is not a good reason to fight, Heero. Now, you two get upstairs and get ready for bed."

"That's all?" Wufei asked.

"I'm also telling Melody this when she gets back."

Heero and Wufei looked at each other gloomily. "I knew there'as more," Heero said.

They trudged upstairs.

Du then looked at the others. "Now, ya'll can stay up to your normal bedtime if you promise to behave, OK?"

The other chibis nodded.

"We'll be real 'haved!" Quatre said.

"But I don't wanna play cars anymore," said Relena.

Quatre patted her shoulder. "Let's go read a story."

Relena brightened up. "OK!"

They went off to Relena's room hand in hand.

Duo turned to Trowa. "Wanna play trucks now?"

"OK," said Trowa, and they started looking through the car box.


After a while, Du looked up from her book at the clock. "OK, guys, it's time for bed."

"Awwww, I'm not ready for bed yet!" Duo said.

"Well, that's just too bad. It's your bedtime," Du replied. "Put the cars away, and head upstairs."

"OK," Duo and Trowa said, and started putting the cars back in the box. When Du headed upstairs to tell Quatre and Relena it was time for bed, Duo looked at Trowa. "Ya know, if we dump the box out, we'll have even more t' pick up."

"But that's not what she said."

"She said to put the cars 'way. She didn't say nothin' 'bout taking them out of the box first."

"Oh," came Trowa's reply. He helped Duo turn the box over and dump all the cars out. Several then made their way under the couch.

"Oops," said Duo.

Du came back downstairs at that moment and stood watching them. "Did I not tell you to pick up your cars?" she said sternly.

"That's what we're doin'!" said Duo.

"Then how come there's more here then when I went upstairs?"

"Well, umm, the box must have a hole in it!" he replied.

Trowa just sighed.

"Somehow I doubt that. Now pick them all up, and no more stalling from either of you!"

"Yes, ma'am," they replied.

Quatre then headed back downstairs.

Du looked at him. "What is it, sweetie?"

"I don't wanna wake up Heero 'n Wufei, but I can't see my jammies."

Du smiled. "Well, we'll turn the hall light on and I'll help you find them."

"Okie!" said Quatre as they headed upstairs.

"So how do we get the cars out from under the sofa?" Duo asked Trowa, who shrugged.

"Maybe we can use Melody's yardstick," he suggested.

"Where is it?"

"In her room. But we're not s'posed to go in there."


Duo picked up one of Relena's story books.

"Hey, this's long 'nough! I'll get behind the sofa 'n push the cars out with it!"

He slipped behind the sofa and slid the book under it. He then nudged the cars with the book and was able to push them all out. Then, just as he pushed the last car out, he dropped the book. Trowa looked under the sofa at him.

"Now what?"

"I dunno," Duo replied gloomily.

"Relena's gonna be mad," Trowa warned him.

"I know! An' I'll get in trouble again too." Duo reached under the sofa trying to reach the book. "Ouch!" He managed to push the book out, but his sleeve caught on a staple under the sofa, trapping his arm.

Du came back downstairs just at that moment and shook her head. "Just what is going on here?"

Trowa jumped up. "The cars went under the sofa, 'n Duo was gettin' them out, but then he dropped Relena's book 'n then he was tryin' to get that, 'n then he got stuck!"

"Got stuck??"

Duo nodded glumly.

Du sighed again. "Let me see." She squeezed behind the sofa and got Duo's sleeve off the staple. "Did it scratch you?" Duo nodded. "Well, let's go put a band-aid on it." She turned to Trowa. "Are all the cars put up?" He nodded. "Then head upstairs and get ready for bed."

"Yes ma'am!"

Trowa ran upstairs quickly.

Du took Duo into the bathroom and put a band-aid on his scratch.

"Now just what made you stick your arm under the sofa?"

"I wanted to get Relena's book," he replied. "I don't want her to be mad at me!"

"Well why did you use Relena's book to push your cars out?"

"B'cause we can't go in Melody's room."

Du sighed again. "Never mind. Go get ready for bed."


Du turned the light off in the hallway. "Good night, boys."

"G'night!" said Trowa and Duo. Duo then piped up with, "I'm thirsty!"

"Now, you had something to drink when you brushed your teeth," Du replied. "That's enough."

"But what if I die from bein' thirsty?"

Du shook her head. "You won't."

"How can you be sure?"

"Because no one has ever died of thirst in one night."

"But what if I'm the first?" Duo asked worriedly.

"You won't be."

"But what if I am?"

"Then we'll keep the Nursery black to remember you by."

"Oh." Duo snuggled back down under the covers. "G'night!"

Du then went across the hall to tuck Relena in.

"Can you tell me a story?" she asked.

"Well, ok. What story do you want to hear?" Du replied.

"A happy one!" was Relena's response.

"OK." Du thought a moment. "Once upon a time, there lived a princess named Relena. She wanted to stop a war very badly, so she flew out to space, umm, the other kingdom, to stop the bad people. But then she was captured by, umm, a mighty dragon. He wasn't being mean, he just wanted to keep her safe."

"Then why did he capture her?" Relena asked.

"Because there was a war going on, and he didn't want her to get hurt, but he didn't want to stop fighting either."

"Oh." Relena snuggled back down.

"Anyways, the handsome prince heard about this, and decided to go rescue her."

"Was his name Heero?" Relena asked excitedly.

"Well, actually, it was," replied Du.

"Oh goody! What happened when he met the dragon?"

"Well, he tried to talk the dragon out of fighting because he wanted the war to end before a lot of innocent people got hurt. But the dragon didn't want to. So he snuck into the dragon's, um, cave, and was able to rescue the princess."

"But what happened to the dragon?"

"The dragon had gone off to fight some more, so after the prince made sure the princess was safe, he went after the dragon. They fought for a little bit, but the dragon realized that he was making a mistake, and stopped the war just in time to save all the innocent people."

"Oooo! What happened to the princess?"

"The princess became a very important person after that. Lots of people wanted to talk to her about how to not fight ever again. And the prince stayed around to protect her. The End."

"That was a nice story," said Relena sleepily. She snuggled down under the covers. "G'night!"

Du smiled. "Good night," she said, and switched the light off.


Later, Melody, Tegan, and John came in the door quietly. Du looked up from the book she was reading and smiled at them. "Did ya'll have fun?"

"Lots of it!" Tegan replied. "Did you?"

Du smiled. "It was no problem at all!"

The End

Standard Disclaimer:
The author does not claim to own Gundam Wing, nor any of its characters, including the adorable chibis.
Gundam Wing is owned by Sunrise, Sotsu Agency and TV Asahi.