Chibi Fanfic!

Chibi Duo's Home Decorating Ideas

by Melody

"There's no black ones here," Chibi Duo complained as he pawed unbelievingly through the many cards of paint color choices that were scattered across the coffee table.

"Of course there aren't," said Tegan.

"But I want black 'cause black is a REAL COOL color! We could paint the walls 'n doors 'n ceilin' black an' have black carpet an' have a black light bulb in the nightlight that'd shine purple an' get a purple 'n black lava lamp an' put laser lights in the ceilin' so we can have a laser light show ev'ry night! That'd be SOOO cool with the glow-in-the-dark stars 'n planets stickers we'll put ALL OVER the walls 'n ceilin'," Duo rattled on enthusiastically. He folded his arms and looked smug. "Yep. That would be the COOLEST ROOM EVER," he declared.

"We can't paint the Nursery black, Duo," said Tegan.

"How come?" Duo was genuinely puzzled. "I LIKE black--it's my fav'rite color."

"We know that," Melody said as gently as she could, "but I'm sure that everyone doesn't like black as much as you do." Melody turned to Trowa. "Do you have any ideas, Trowa?"

"I like green," Trowa replied.


"I like black 'n green TOGETHER. I like olive green best. Couldn't we paint the walls green an' the doors 'n stuff black, or else paint the walls black an' have green doors?"

Melody winced. "That would look frightful," she said.

"Well, I'D like it!" Heero declared defensively. "Those are the colors of my fav'rite clothes."

"Nobody says you got great lookin' clothes," said Wufei sarcastically.

Heero glowered at him. "What color do YOU want then?" Heero demanded.

"I'd like red. Red is a color of strength. Red walls an' yellow doors." answered Wufei confidently.

"Quatre? You're awfully quiet," Melody said tenderly as she put her arm around the sad little boy. "What color do you like best?"

Quatre looked up at her, his large blue eyes brimming with unshed tears. "I'll like anythin' you choose," he said. "I just don't want ev'ryone to fight 'bout it."

Melody pulled him onto her lap and stroked his little blonde head soothingly. "It's okay for you to have an opinion, Quatre," she said, trying to reassure him.

"PINK!" Duo exploded, holding up a pink paint sample card with an X on it and then dropping it as if it had suddenly turned red hot. "I s'pose that's what RELENA wants," he said sarcastically, as he folded his arms and a stubborn expression settled on his face. "Well, I WON'T sleep in a pink nursery--NOT EVER--an' that's FINAL!" he declared indignantly, closing his eyes and putting his nose in the air. "I'd rather sleep in the doghouse with Bruno."

"You won't have to sleep with Bruno, Duo," said Tegan, suppressing a smile. "We've decided to fix up the spare room for Relena--that's what the X on that card is for. She wants us to paint her new room that shade of pink."

"How come Relena gets her own room?" Duo demanded crossly.

"She's getting older now and she needs to have her privacy because she's the only girl."

"Wish WE'D get OUR OWN rooms," pouted Duo. "It's totally not fair that Treize, Milliardo AN' Relena get their own rooms an' I STILL gotta share a room with THESE GUYS."

"The Nursery is a huge room, Duo. It's the length of the whole front of the house and is L-shaped."

Heero's eyes brightened and he ALMOST SMILED. THAT got everyone's attention!

"That's GREAT!" he declared enthusiastically. "I'm GLAD she's gettin' her own room 'cause 'most ev'ry mornin' when I wake up THERE'S Relena sittin' on my bed 'cause she's been watchin' me sleep 'gain. I hate that! She can't do that anymore if she's got her own room, right?" Heero asked hopefully.

"That's right," answered Melody. "She will have to respect your privacy, so she won't be able to go into the Nursery without asking permission."

Heero breathed a Great Big Sigh of Relief.

"No one can go into her room without her permission either," Melody continued. "It works both ways."

"Aw, that's no problem," Heero brushed that thought aside. "No one'd wanna go in her room anyways. She's SUCH A PEST."

"Now, we need to choose a color for the Nursery. How about white?" suggested Melody. "Does everyone like white?"

"No," they all chorused, with the exception of Quatre.

"So," Melody said decidedly, "White it is."

"With black doors an' black curtains an' black carpet an' laser lights an'..."

The End?? Probably NOT.

~Standard disclaimer~

The author does not claim ownership of Gundam Wing nor any of its characters, including the adorable chibis. >_<

Gundam Wing belongs to Sunrise, Sotsu Agency and TV Asahi.