Duo vs. The Room

Duo walked down the hall silently so as not to be noticed by the others in the living room. Ha-ha, they won’t notice me. That is, unless Heero is walking around and spots me--then I’m in for it. Duo thought as he slipped up and down the hallways to get outside. The others had tried to get him to clean his room. They said that it should be a new dungeon for prisoners’ in the house or a place to put insane people. As Duo slipped through the halls he saw Heero in his room. Darn it! Heero will see me for sure! Unless, yeah! I’ll turn around and slip outside. I’m the devil’s son!

Duo started to turn around when his name was called.

“Duo! Don’t you have to clean your room? It’s so messy I might as well throw Relena in it when she starts to get annoying!” Heero yelled.

“Uhhhh…” Duo changed his voice to imitate Trowa’s. “Uhh, I don’t know what you’re talking about Heero. I just was walking outside.” Duo started to turn around when Trowa started to walk down the hall. Uh oh, me and my big mouth!

“Hey, Heero. Have you seen my flute?”

“Huh? I thought you were going outside.”

“What? No, I was looking for my flute. Unless—,”

“MAXWELL!!!” Heero yelled. As he ran from the room he saw a mystified Trowa and a Duo looking like he was about to run. “GET YOUR BUTT BACK HERE YOU STUPID BAKA!!” Heero yelled, hurling his body towards a fleeing Duo.

“I’M OUTTA HERE!” Duo yelled, running like millions of meat-eating animals were after him.

“AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! HELP ME!!!” Duo yelled. Heero finally caught Duo and threw him into his room.

“Don’t come out until this mess of a room is cleaned,” Heero said, slamming the door.

“You sound like Sister Helen,” Duo mumbled.

Clean me Duo. You are just a messy, filthy pig! If you don’t clean me this instant, I will seriously, seriously not let you sleep until I am clean! Do you understand?

Duo’s room could TALK?

“Listen you-,” Duo thought for a second, “WAIT JUST ONE MOMENT! YOU can…TALK?!?!” Duo yelled, sliding backwards.

Yes, what’s wrong with that? Are you--

“Shut up! And no, I am definitely not afraid! But why the heck do you talk to me now?!?! I mean, come on! Of all the times you could’ve talked to me you chose now?!” Duo was against the wall now.

Well, I was here when you- you umm… no wait, I was here whenever you were here and that was like- umm… no wait, I was here forever!

“Well, no duh! It ain’t rocket science!” Duo got up and started to pick things up.

6 hours later...

“Ugh… I hurt.” Duo moaned. “Can’t move.” Someone knocked on the door. “Yes?”

“Hey Duo you done…” Heero walked into like the cleanest place on Earth, “yet?”

“Huh? Yeah. Can I have some pizza?” Duo asked.

“Ugh, there’s two whole boxes of-,” before Heero could finish Duo bolted out the room, leaving Heero in his wake.

He worked very hard Heero and I think-, before the room could finish…

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!” Heero turned around and bolted out the room, ran into the hallway wall, stumbled out to the kitchen.

“Duo’s room talks!” Heero managed to say while the others stared at him.

“Oh that’s nice,” Wufei said, shaking his head. “I knew it! Heero needs to go to a therapist,” Wufei thought.

“Uhh… yeah, that is nice Heero. How about we get you a therapist?” Trowa said.

“NO!!!!! I am NOT CRAZY! I swear to you! His room,” points towards Duo, “TALKS!!!!”

“Umm… why don’t you go lie down in your bed, Heero buddy?” Duo said, getting up and taking Heero’s arm and leading Heero to his room.

“Now you lie down and take a nap,” Duo said, trying not to laugh out loud.

“Duo, does your room really talk?” Quatre asked.

“Huh? Oh, yeah.”

Hehehe… Room, you are good. That is the 30th person you have driven crazy. Now, only 370 more people to go and I will make the Genius Book of Room Records: Premium Edition, Driving People Crazy and Sending Them to the Nut House. He-he, the room said.

The End

Standard Disclaimer: The author of this story does not claim ownership of Gundam Wing. Gundam Wing belongs to Sotsu Agency, Sunrise and Bandai.