Gundam Wing Fanfic

First Kiss

by May

Standard Disclaimer~
The author does not claim to own Gundam Wing nor any of its characters. Gundam Wing is owned by Sunrise, Sotsu Agency and TV Asahi.

Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth-For your love is better than wine.
~Song of Solomon 1:2~

Catherine Bloom's violet eyes were wide with surprise as she looked up into the eyes of the man who had just kissed her so sweetly and deeply.

Trowa Barton's dark green eyes were filled with love but they were also filled with fear as he looked down into her face. Cathy was shocked by both emotions but more so by the fear in his eyes. The man she believed could feel no fear was afraid. But why? This was the most predominant thought in Catherine’s already confused mind.

Cathy took a deep breath to brace herself, then spoke the question that was running through her mind. "Trowa? What is wrong, beloved?" Too late Catherine realized her mistake. She had called the man she so often called out loud brother or friend, beloved. The very thing he had become to her since the end of the Mariemaia coup d'etat. At the time she had been filled with fear that she might never see him again. That very fear had also been what had opened her eyes to her true feelings for Trowa Barton; feelings that were very different than the feelings of an older sister for a younger brother. When Trowa had come back to her, Cathy had realized that the love she had for him was not fading but was growing stronger with each passing day.

Yet Trowa had continued to treat her as nothing more than a friend or worse a sister, so she keep her feelings to herself. Resigning herself to the fact that she had obviously fallen deeply in love with a man she was sure would never feel the same way for her.

But now, she didn't know. He had kissed her and his eyes were telling her things she thought she would never see or hear.

The kiss had happened so suddenly. One minute they had been in a heated argument about Trowa going to work for the Preventers, then the very next minute she had been in his arms being kissed the way she had thought would only happen to her in her dreams.

Catherine was brought out of her thoughts by the sound of Trowa's soft, deep, voice. "Catherine, I'm sorry that I kissed you without asking your permission, but I..." Trowa's voice faltered and Catherine, her eyes turning a deep purple with concern, started to reach for him, but at the last second she let her hand drop to her side.

Trowa took a deep breath and raised his eyes to hers once again. They had turned to the shade of a dark pine forest and Cathy could feel herself being drawn into them.

"Catherine, I'm in love with you." The words seemed to be almost ripped out of him but Trowa did not falter in the course of action he had chosen. His smooth voice was again echoing out into the gathering dusk, and as it did the hope that had sprung up inside of Catherine [you need some descriptive word here, like as his words continued to grow.

"Cathy I've been in love with you for almost four years now and I can't take being unable to tell you that any longer. So that is why I am going to join the Preventers. Good-Bye Catherine." Trowa's eyes seemed to burn into hers as he gave her one last look before turning to walk away.

Catherine’s eyes filled with tears and she could not speak. But she could move and that is what she did.

Catherine ran after Trowa, the only man she had ever loved; she threw her arms around him and clung to him.

Trowa turned and looked down into his beloved Cathy's face. Her eyes met his and with a smile that only she would ever receive he bent down and once again captured her sweet lips, which was the only smart thing he could do after reading her love for him in her deep violet eyes.

My Beloved is mine and I am his.
~ Song of Solomon 2:16~

The wedding had been on Valentine's Day, just three months after their first kiss. All the other gundam pilots with their wives or soon to be wives had been there, along with all their friends from the circus. "It has been a wonderful day." Cathy thought with a smile. Turning to her new husband, the loving look in her light purple eyes met his dark green ones. With a bright smile Cathy leaned toward her new husband and whispered softly in his ear. "I love you, Trowa."

Trowa smiled at his wife and in turn whispered in her ear [I would change ‘and in turn whispered in her ear’ to something like ‘Trowa smiled at his wife and whispered in return’], "I love you too, Cathy. Always and forever."

That being said, Trowa leaned close and for the second time that day they sealed their promise to love each eternally with a sweet kiss.

Set me as a seal upon your heart,
As a seal upon your arm;
For love is as strong as death,
Jealousy as cruel as the grave;
Its flames are flames of fire,
A most vehement flame.
Many waters cannot quench love,
Nor can the floods drown it.
If a man would give for love
All wealth of his house,
It would be utterly despised.
~Song of Solomon 8:6-7~

The End

All Scripture references are from the New King James Version of the Bible.