Chibi Fanfic!

** Chibi Halloween! **

A Gundam Wing Chibi-fic

by Sam Brannon

Legal randomness:
Gundam Wing and all related characters don't belong to me. They belong to Bandai, Sunrise and Sotsu Agency. All Anime titles referred to herein are also property of their respective owners. This fanfic, however, is protected by several thousand SuperDeformed Anime character plushies, so copying, stealing, posting or otherwise using this fic without permission will result in punishment by their choosing. And they can be very mean. So there.

And read the disclaimer at the end after finishing the fic. Please.


Act I

*It is late October. The living room. The Chibis are sitting in the floor, playing. Chibi Duo and Chibi Trowa are playing with their toy cars. Chibi Heero is playing chess with Chibi Relena (against his will, as you may have guessed), though neither of them yet know how to play the game with its original rules. Chibi Wufei and Chibi Quatre have set up a miniature battle with their toy robots, and Quatre appears to have the upper hand. (Although he dislikes the way Wufei insists on playing...)*

Chibi Quatre: But I don't WANNA destroy your Combattler V! It's the only robot you have left!

Chibi Wufei: Finish it... your side's obviously the right one.

Chibi Quatre: But I... can't...

Chibi Wufei: Do it... *He looks sternly at Quatre*

Chibi Duo: *looks up from the game of cars* It's just toys, Quatre. Nobody really gets hurt! Unless someone steps on 'em. Then we all get in trouble.

Chibi Quatre: Well... all right. But next time, we try to work out a peace treaty. *He picks up a small, die-cast Lion Force Voltron, and changes his voice slightly* Lion Head Attack!

*He presses a button on the Voltron's right arm, launching the plastic lion head directly at Wufei's Combattler V. It hits, and knocks over the toy robot. The two boys make explosion noises*

Chibi Wufei: Aagh... how could I be so weak... *He puts his face in his hands with a sigh*

Chibi Quatre: It's all right... you did well. *He smiles*

*Chibi Wufei surveys the outcome. Much of Quatre's robots are still standing, while his side is a wreck*

Chibi Wufei: *sweatdrops* If you really mean 'better'n last time'... I should get some Transformers, too.

*Chibi Relena picks up a Bishop, and moves it two squares directly down to where Chibi Heero has positioned his Rook*

Chibi Heero: *curtly* You can't do that.

Chibi Relena: Yeah I can! *She smiles a large smile* You moved your castle, an' it's not s'posed to move at all!

Chibi Heero: Yeah, it is.

Chibi Relena: Oh yeah? How? *She folds her arms and glares slightly at him*

Chibi Heero: It's a transformin' castle. That's how it moves.

Chibi Relena: ... Well then, this is a transformin'... uh... *She examines the bishop carefully* uhh... seal with its nose stuck up in the air! It makes itself big enough to take out your castle!

Chibi Heero: *sweatdrop* Fine... but if you can do that, then... *He picks up a Knight, and moves it clear across the board to where Relena's "seal" is, and takes it* My horse runs it over. Checkmate!

*Note that Relena's king is in no imminent danger; it had been placed on top of Relena's "castle" earlier in the game*

Chibi Relena: *wide-eyed* Huh?! No fair!

Chibi Heero: *breathing a sigh of relief* There! We played. Now I'm gonna go play with Quatre and Wufei. *He starts to get up*

*Duo sniggers. Heero shoots him a look that suggests he'll do terrible things if Duo says what's on his mind. Relena pouts.*

Chibi Wufei: *placing some robots back on their feet* So've you guys thought of what you're gonna go as for Halloween?

Chibi Duo: *shrugs* I dunno... I wanna go as the Grim Reaper, but Melody keeps givin' me 'that look' ev'ry time I do.

Chibi Heero: That's 'cuz you've been goin' as the Grim Reaper ever since we started Trick or Treat-ing. *He sits down across from Quatre and Wufei, picking out the robots he intends to use*

Chibi Duo: Yeah? So? *crosses his arms*

Chibi Wufei: *setting up his robots* Try something diff'rent. Like Frankenstein.

Chibi Duo: *shakes his head* Nahh... Frankenstein's for first time Trick or Treat-ers. I like the Grim Reaper. *He moves a red car over to the front of a small toy building*

*Wufei sighs. It seems like no amount of talking would change Duo's mind.*

Chibi Heero: You could just go as a ghost.

Chibi Duo: Nah. Ghosts're just white sheets. No fun in that.

Chibi Heero: So wear a black sheet.

Chibi Duo: I wanted t'do that one year, but Melody said I'd get hit by a car if I did.

Chibi Heero: I know. Maybe then it'll be a little quieter 'round here.

Chibi Duo: HEY! *glares at Heero*

Chibi Quatre: *positioning his robots, butts in to try and break up the argument* What about you, Trowa?

Everyone else: A clown.

Chibi Quatre: *blinks* Is that true?

Chibi Trowa: Well... yeah. *He sounds as if he thinks it's silly to think of going as anything else*

Chibi Relena: I'm goin' as Sailormoon this year! *She practices spinning and waves an imaginary Moon Scepter* An' Heero can be my Tux!

Chibi Heero: *scowls at Relena* Fat chance! What gave you that idea?!

Chibi Relena: *throws her arms down to her sides and bends down to yell at Heero* Come ON! You're spos'd t'be my boyfriend! We should wear costumes that say we're together! Me n' my adorable boyfriend Heero!

Chibi Heero: *glares at Relena as he stands up* Stop callin' me your BOYFRIEND!

*Duo is rolling on the floor laughing*

Chibi Heero: *turns sharply and points to Duo* An' you shut up!

Chibi Relena: *indignantly* Well, what ARE you going as?

*Short pause as Heero thinks. He looks down at one of the robots he picked up. A Veritech.*

Chibi Heero: Rick Hunter!

*Everyone looks at him oddly*

Chibi Heero: Yeah, that's it. Rick Hunter.

Chibi Duo: Nobody's gonna recognize your costume. Y'might as well go along n' be Relena's hunny-bunny in a tux! *He snickers again*

*Heero clenches his fist and growls at Duo*

Chibi Relena: I agree whole-heart-fully! *She clings to Heero's arm* We'll make Halloween safe for ALL girls!

*Duo is gripping his stomach from laughing so hard. Heero breaks away and runs to the Nursery.*

Chibi Heero: I'll show YOU guys!

Chibi Relena: *chasing after him* HEEEEROOOOOOO!

*Sweatdrops on the foreheads of Quatre, Wufei and Trowa. Duo is trying not to laugh too hard and wiping tears from his eyes.*

Chibi Trowa: *turns to Wufei* What about you?

Chibi Wufei: *shrug* I dunno. Prolly Goku.

Chibi Trowa: How're you gonna get the hair done right? Relena only knows how t'braid, n' I'm not sure Tegan or Melody would do your hair up like that.

Chibi Wufei: I'll do it myself. I don't need any help from a girl! *He scowls*

Chibi Quatre: *thoughtfully* I'm not sure who or what I wanna go as...

Chibi Duo: *still recovering from his fit of laughter* Well, why not what you went as last year?

Chibi Quatre: Y'mean a pumpkin? Nah... I'll go ask Tegan or Melody what'd be good for me. Or maybe I could wear the tux jus' t'make Relena happy. She's prolly upset 'cuz she already had Melody get him the Tux costume without him knowing.

Chibi Duo: I think she'd rather see Sugarplum in it th'n you. *He snerks and tries not to burst out laughing again*

Chibi Heero: *from the hallway, obviously not too happy* I HEARD THAT!


Act II

*Halloween night. The Chibis are on the front porch of the house, holding their empty bags, while Melody stands in the door giving them the standard warning. Heero has managed to put together a fairly nice Rick Hunter costume, with a makeshift flight uniform and a visor glued over a decorated motorcycle helmet. Duo is dressed as the Grim Reaper for about the third year in a row, with his face painted white and dark circles painted under his eyes, carrying a plastic scythe. Trowa is dressed as a clown, but with a multi-colored wig (though the impossible-to-manage unibang still hangs over one eye) and full face paint instead of a mask, brightly colored clothing with fluffy buttons down the center, and a rubber red nose. Quatre is dressed to a T, in a tuxedo and top hat that has been altered slightly to fit him, a small mask over his eyes, and carrying a cane. Clinging to his arm (in an obvious attempt to make Heero jealous) is Relena, in a lovely Sailormoon costume with white gloves and high-heeled boots, and a plastic yellow tiara in her odango'ed hair. Wufei is dressed in a bright orange gi with the symbol for Kaio-sama on the back, and his hair gelled doubly to hold the spiky look.*

Melody: Now remember, don't stay out too late. It's going to get very cold, and I don't want anyone getting sick. And don't go past these three blocks.

Chibis: *halfheartedly* Yes ma'am.

Melody: Have fun! *She closes the door to prepare candy for the coming of the other Trick or Treat-ers*

*The Chibis begin their route. They cover every house on the three blocks, but then get into an argument over whether or not to continue to a block beyond the third.*

Chibi Relena: *hands on hips* Melody TOLD us to stay on these three blocks! We should go home!

Chibi Wufei: Are you kiddin'? We haven't even gotten our bags halfway filled yet. We're EN-TI-TLED t' more than this!

Chibi Quatre: *worried* But what'f we get lost? Or worse?

Chibi Duo: I'm not scared! *stands proudly*

Chibi Heero: Me neither... we just won't tell Melody. *turns to Relena* That includes you, Relena!

Chibi Relena: *turned away, arms folded* I'm gonna tell whether you make me swear or not!

Chibi Duo: Not if we make you PINKY SWEAR!

*Everyone gasped. It sounds like Duo means serious business.*

Chibi Relena: An' what if I don't?

Chibi Duo: Then we leave you behind first chance we get... all night!

*Relena fights back tears*

Chibi Relena: Ok... *sniff* I won't tell.

Chibi Heero: What about you, Trowa?

Chibi Trowa: I don't wanna get in trouble, but... *he puts out his pinky*

Chibi Duo: Quatre?

*Quatre hesitates*

Chibi Wufei: C'mon. Y'in or y'out?

Chibi Quatre: ... I just want everyone to stop fighting about this... so I'm in.

*The Chibis shake pinkies, and decide to continue to the fourth block. Along the way, they manage to collect a sizeable amount of candy before coming to one house in particular. No lights are on inside. There are crosses and headstones on the front lawn, with one "grave" near the sidewalk open and smoking eerily from within.*

Chibi Duo: Whose turn is it t'say Trick or Treat?

Chibi Quatre: Mine, I think...

*A small, black cat sits in the window, unnoticed by the Chibis until it jumps down.*

Chibi Trowa: D'you see that?!

Chibi Wufei: You don't s'pose this house belongs to a real witch, do ya?

Chibi Relena: *shakily* Heero... I'm scared!

Chibi Heero: Pipe down. There's no such things as witches. Everyone knows that.

*The sound of a loud clap of thunder is heard. The Chibis all jump and huddle closer together.*

Chibi Quatre: I hope you're right, Heero...

*The front door opens slowly, seemingly on its own, with a loud, steady creak. The house appears dark and empty inside.*

Chibi Trowa: *swallows hard* Should we... go in?

*A woman's sinister laughter is heard. From the dark interior, out steps a rather youthful-looking woman in a long, black dress. She has long, raven hair that seems to extend down to the middle of her back. As she appears from the house, the tiny black cat follows, lying at her feet.*

Woman: *mischievously* I've been expecting you! They said I might be getting visitors tonight...

*Relena is hiding her face in Heero's sleeve.*

Chibi Heero: *shakily* Um... T-Trick or Treat?

*The woman lets loose a peal of sinister laughter. The sound of thunder is heard once again.

*The Chibis are all trembling.*

Woman: Yes... as I thought. Perhaps my friends can interest you in something to your liking?

*A monstrous roar is heard from the open grave, and a menacing-looking man climbs from the smoky hole in the ground. Down from a nearby tree hops a second, and a third lets out a roar from behind them. A smaller girl, from behind a tombstone, appears, letting out an evil hiss and baring vampire fangs.

*The Chibis all scream and cover their eyes...*


Chibi Duo: Ehh...?

*The woman and the monsters all laugh, suddenly no longer sounding evil. The next thing they notice is that the "monsters" are carrying trays full of chocolate, candy apples, and other goodies in one hand, and holding MASKS in the other!*

Woman: Happy Halloween, kids!

Chibi Relena: *trying to catch her breath* That's not funny! *gasp*

Chibi Wufei: I wasn't scared! *tries his best to look brave*

Chibi Heero: *rubbing his shoulder* Then why were you clinging to my arm tighter'n Relena ever has before?

Chibi Wufei: .... Oh, hush!

Woman: *smiling in order to hold back a giggle* You kids deserve a reward for being such good sports. We've got all kinds of candy.

*One of the former "monsters", a man with brown hair down to his shoulders, kneels down, with a tray full of candy apples (wrapped in plastic to prevent dripping)*

Man #1: Here you go!

*They each get candy and snacks from each of the "monsters", and the "witch" gives them plastic rings in the shape of spiders. The first man notices Heero's costume.*

Man #1: Rick Hunter, eh?

Chibi Heero: *proudly* Yep!

Man #2: And we've got Goku over here. *points to Wufei, who holds his head up high.*

Girl: *noticing Relena and Quatre* EEEE! And look, a little Sailormoon and Tuxedo Kamen! KAWAIIII!!

Woman: They do have such cute costumes! *She smiles*

Chibi Duo and Trowa: What about us?!

Girl: *giggles* I like those, too, especially the scythe you got *points to Duo* and the kawaii nose on yours! *She honks Trowa's clown nose.*

*Heero tugs the sleeve of third Man, the tallest of the group.*

Chibi Heero: *whispers* She ALWAYS like that? *points to the Girl*

Man #3: All the time. *sighs* You should see her at a pet shop.

*Heero looks exasperatingly at Relena*

Chibi Heero: It never ends... *facefault*

*The Chibis are eventually on their way to the rest of the houses on the block. As they leave, the first Man and the Woman watch them*

Man # 1: *as he replaces his mask* This was a good idea, Crystal... beats watching horror Anime all night.

Crystal: Thanks, Sam. *She smiles* Just don't let Lauren hear you say that.



*It is late at night. The last of the trick-or-treaters have come and gone at the house, and Melody, Tegan, Treize, and Milliardo sit on the porch waiting as the Chibis come home. Their bags seem to be weighing them down somewhat as they return.*

Chibi Duo: *looking through his bag as he walks* ... n' some Squirrel Nut Zippers, n' some Bubble Yum, n'...

Chibi Heero: We're back, Duo.

Chibi Duo: Huh?.. Oh yeah! *He puts his hand behind his head and grins an "I knew that!" grin*

Melody: Welcome home! I noticed you all are back a bit later than you usually are on Halloween.

Chibi Relena: *eagerly* That's 'cuz we went to this BIG house with all these graves in the front yard, n' there was all this thunder and...

Chibi Trowa: RELENA... *puts his finger to his lips, but she doesn't notice*

Chibi Relena: N' all these monsters, n' this witch with her little black cat, n'...

Treize: Wait, Relena... Is there a house like that on these three blocks?

*Each of the Chibis go wide-eyed*

Chibi Heero: Uhh...

Tegan: Yes, come to think of it, I've never seen a house like that before on these three blocks.

Milliardo: *shakes his head* Me neither.

Melody: *sternly* Did you all go past the third block?

Chibi Wufei: *quickly* No!

Chibi Heero, Duo, Trowa: No! Of course not!

Chibi Relena: Yeah, we did. *suddenly realizes what she's done and covers her mouth with an "Eep!"*

*The other Chibis stare at her as if she had stabbed them in the back.*

Chibi Relena: *quickly, as if trying to cover her mistake* Uh, but the house we went to was perfectly safe! A lot safer than last year when Duo, Heero, n' Trowa covered it in toilet paper!

*Heero, Duo, and Trowa peer to the sky as if to say "Help!".*

*Melody is glaring.*

Melody: *nodding her head and giving them all 'The Look'* Really... you don't say...

Chibi Relena: Uh-huh! An' the year before when they all set off those firecrackers on the front porch, n' the year before that when they...

*Heero claps his hand over Relena's mouth.*

Chibi Heero: RUN!!

*Heero, Duo, Trowa, and Wufei make a break for it. Melody gets up and runs after them, with Relena continuing to tell her of the goings-on of years past, and Quatre running close behind as he tries to get the other boys to stop running. Tegan, Milliardo, and Zechs each sweatdrop big time.*


Chibi Relena: An' then that time they stuck a Roman Candle in their mailbox, n' then that time they left rotten eggs in their bushes, n' then...

Chibi Duo: I'd rather face a REAL witch than being grounded for life!

Chibi Heero: Well, that house ain't far away! Maybe we can hide in that grave 'till we're 30!

Chibi Wufei: Even THAT sounds better'n no toys, TV, or video games for a whole month! Or longer!

Chibi Trowa: I think I'll go and join the circus RIGHT NOW!

Chibi Quatre: Guys! You're droppin' candy all over!


~ The End ~

Kids, don't pull pranks like toilet papering people's houses, lighting fireworks around someone else's house, or anything involving rotten eggs on Halloween. It's not only rude and obnoxious, it's unsafe to you and to the people in the house. If your mom tells you not to go past a certain block, don't do it. Just because it's part of your neighborhood, and just because things turned out semi-safe for the Chibis in the end, doesn't mean it's a smart thing for YOU to do. And no matter what anyone says, it's not wise to go out dressed as a dark ghost. Even if Heero says so. And brush your teeth. And don't cross the street when the sign says "Don't Walk". And... *ahem* Uh... Happy Halloween! ^_^;; MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!